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Back to 2022_05_03 DER Programa Renovables

Ángel Ruiz de Apodaca, Full Professor: "The extensive development of renewable energies requires the training in a legal system that is constantly evolving". 

The University promotes the program in Renewable Energy Law aimed at professional firms and business advisors.

FotoManuelCastells/El Full Professor and director of the Renewable Energy Law program, Ángel Ruiz de Apodaca.

03 | 05 | 2022

"The extensive development of renewable energies requires the training of professionals in a legal system that is constantly evolving". This is the main challenge that, according to the Full Professor of Administrative Law of the University of Navarra, Ángel Ruiz de Apodaca, professional firms and advisors of companies interested in investing in clean energies are facing. 

Ángel Ruiz de Apodaca recalls the objectives set by the EU towards a carbon neutral society by 2050 or in the shorter term deadlineof reducing emissions by 55% by 2030 entail a stronger commitment to renewable energies to the detriment of fossil fuels. "The reasons are obvious, he says, to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. For this, a stable legal frameworkis needed. However, there are other challenges to be faced by professionals such as the developmentof these projects in a harmonious way with the environment and land-use planning, as in the case of wind farms and solar parks which, as we know, are encountering difficulties from this point of view". 

In December, the committeeof Ministers approved the project Strategic Plan for Economic Recovery and Transformation (PERTE) for Renewable Energy, Renewable Hydrogen and Storage (ERHA), to develop technology, knowledge, industrial capacities and new business models that reinforce the country's leading position in the field of clean energy.  

But what are the aspects involved in setting up a renewable energy project? partnershipThe University of Navarra Law School, School, in collaboration with the law firms Ontier, Herbert Smith and Toda & Nel-lo, is promoting a new programme that will comprehensively address these issues. modelThe Renewable Energy Law course offers a complete and advanced vision of the transformation of the economic, legal and industrial uses of renewable energies, from the perspective of internship. 

"This is a course that aims to fill a gap in the professional trainingservices of the legal services of companies in the sector and law firms that advise them on all the elements that make up the start-up and operation of renewable energy generation facilities, from the developmentof project, permits, authorisations, licences, contracts of development, financing, contracts of project, litigation, taxation and new trends in subjectof renewables, their regulation and application", explains Professor Ángel Ruiz de Apodaca, director of the programme. "The aim is for them to acquire an updated and practical knowledgein the developmentof the business from an eminently legal perspective". 




