A hundred of science students defend their Final Year Projects Degree
In total, 59 research projects were presented at Biochemistry , 26 in Biology and 15 in Chemistry
One hundred students of the School of Sciences of the University of Navarra have presented their Final Thesis Degree (TFG). Of these, 59 were from Degree at Biochemistry , 26 from Biology and 15 from Chemistry. The students had to carry out their research and later present it before several tribunals composed of 36 members of the faculty of the academic center. Despite the variety of topics, the professors emphasized the high level and interest of all the research.
Thus, Javier Sáez Castresana explained that "of the 59 works of Degree in Biochemistry , 49 were experimental, 8 bibliographic and 2 teaching. These have dealt with subjects such as the expression of elements of the endocannbionide system in the brain; the proteins of the hepatitis C virus; mechanisms of enzyme regulation or oxidative stress and cancer; or new teaching methodologies".
On the other hand, in the Biology area , the topics ranged"from molecular programs of study with clinical or evolutionary applications to those focused on the methodology of teaching in Science," said the coordinator of this area, David Galicia. In this sense, he mentioned the great interest aroused by those of an experimental nature, "because they give students the opportunity to put their skills into internship . Even so, "it is also worth highlighting the final result of the more bibliographic works due to the quality of their contents, originality, creativity and tremendous potential for the scientific knowledge dissemination or the environmental Education ".
Finally, the TFG of Chemistry, dealt with topics of the OrganicChemistry , Chemistry of Colloids, Materials Science, Pharmaceutical Technology and Environmental Chemistry . Some of them have been the result of collaborations with other centers. "This is the case of Joan Puig and his study 'Physicochemical Investigation of Amphiphilic Excipients T904 and TPGS and their Interactions with Cyclodextrins', which has arisen from the partnership between King's College London and the group of Chemistry- Physics of the University of Navarra; or that of Javier Montes, who developed part of his project 'Study of molecules in a state of coherent quantum superposition' at the Unit of Lasers and Molecular Beams of the Complutense University of Madrid", said Professor Gustavo Gonzalez.