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The benefits of the "Beatriz Recari & Niños contra el cáncer" Golf Trophy, for research and treatments.

The charity tournament will be played on Saturday, September 6 at the Ulzama, Gorraiz and Zuasti golf courses.

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03/09/14 11:42

The " Beatriz Recari & Niños contra el Cáncer" Golf Trophy will be played simultaneously on Saturday, September 6th at the three golf courses in Navarra (Ulzama, Gorraiz and Zuasti). It is a charity tournament whose profits will be entirely destined to the research and treatment of children with cancer whose families do not have sufficient economic resources to access specific treatments.

Solidarity dinner, trophies and prize drawing

The submission of trophies and a prize draw will take place during a charity dinner to be held on September 6th at 9:00 pm at the "Amigos Building" of the University of Navarra. The registration for the dinner is open both to participants in the tournament and to all those interested persons who do not participate in the competition. The prize draw among those attending the dinner will feature a star award : a one-week trip for two to Punta Cana.

The rest of the prizes to be raffled will consist of weekend getaways, delicatessen products and dinners at prestigious restaurants. The champions of each category of the golf trophy will be invited to the dinner.

Beatriz Recari and Children against Cancer

"Kids Against Cancer" is a project of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra. It was born thirty years ago with the goal to investigate and help families with insufficient resources so that their sick children can have access to specific treatments.

The importance of research is determined by the fact that cancer is the leading cause of infant mortality due to disease in developed countries. Annually, 200,000 new cases are diagnosed worldwide.

Beatriz Recari from Navarre is one of the leading figures in professional women's golf. Sensitized with the work of "Niños contra el Cáncer" she has promoted this solidarity trophy whose purpose is to collect aid for the fight against childhood cancer. The three golf courses in Navarra have joined the cause.

The participation of the collaborating companies has made it possible for the funds obtained by the AMA Foundation sponsorship , Caja Rural, Seguros ACUNSA, El Corte Inglés and Aisdena, and the registrations, to be destined to the fight against childhood cancer.



