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In the shoes of... Miguel Janer


07 | 11 | 2022


This is Miguel Janer's fifth year at the University. Last year he graduated in Philosophy, Politics & Economics (PPE) and continues here for his programs of study in Law. A multifaceted guy who tells us a little more about himself, his tastes and his fear of pigeons.

  1. What do they usually call you?
    Most of my friends call me by my surname, Janer. 

  2. What would you like to do for a living?
    I really like and am interested in the world of NGOs and international cooperation.

  3. A fear
    Pigeons, birds in general, scare me a lot. When I was little I got one on my head and since then the sight of a beak scares me. Whenever I walk down the street and see them, I always change sidewalks [laughs].

  4. A favorite song
    Amasai, by Himalayan Salt. 

  5. A corner of the University that you like in particular
    The esplanade in front of the School of Communication, although I wouldn't say it's a corner.

  6. Are you a beer or wine drinker?
    Wine, white wine. 

  7. What is the last series you have seen and did you like it?
    "The Lord of the Rings", from Movistar+. It was released relatively recently and I didn't like it very much. The movies are immensely better.


  8. A hobby
    Theater and sports. I've started playing rugby, but it still has some time to go before it becomes a hobby [laughs].

  9. What surprised you the most when you arrived at the University?
    I'm not going to be very original... the campus, how nice and well kept it was. 

  10. A historical figure you would have coffee with
    Cervantes. His life has always seemed to me that of a man of courage and integrity. 

  11. Someone who has inspired you
    Professor Luis Ravina. I have been collaborating with him at ICS for some time now and he is one of the people who has made me grow personally, as a student and as a future professional.

  12. Why did you decide to study law in the second year?
    It would be nice to say that I have a lawyer in me, but I don't [laughs]. I started Law because it seemed to me -and it seems to me- very useful for life and for any subject of work.

  13. Who do you nominate?
    Luis Ravina.



