A network of research meets at the University to contribute to the decarbonization of cities.
The School of Architecture hosted the first meeting of the network URBAN MOME, which includes 14 centers of research and universities.
04 | 03 | 2024
With the goal to work in the same direction for the decarbonization of cities and achieve ambitious targets for the reduction of CO2 emissions, the University of Navarra hosted the first of of URBAN MOME: "Towards efficient URBAN environments through MOdelado, MEdida, y control in School of Architecture of the University of Navarra has hosted the first seminar of the network of research URBAN MOME: "Towards efficient URBAN environments through MOdelado, MEdida, and control in the built environment".
The network URBAN MOME is funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and Universities and the State Agency of research (call 2022 "Networks of research") and is led by the Energy, Environmental and Technological Research Center (CIEMAT).
The network also includes the participation of prestigious centers from research such as: TECNALIA; the Institute of research in Hunting Resources(IREC); CARTIF; the Technological Institute of Energy(ITE); the International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering(CIMNE); and IETcc-CSIC (Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction Sciences and committee Superior Institute for Scientific Research).
In addition, the following universities are part of it: University of Deusto, University of Valladolid, University of Oviedo, University of Seville, Polytechnic University of Madrid, University of Almeria, University of Valencia and the University of Navarra (specifically, the group of research SAVIArquitectura).
Representatives from all the centers and universities of the network attended the seminar was held in two sessions conference: during the afternoon of February 27, a presentation of the network and the different groups of work was held; and on February 28, a symposium was held in which different topics of the network could be shared and discussed, with presentations by researchers from the different centers. The expected results are joint projects, publications and a platform for sharing information and the data of the different groups.
URBAN MOME is structured in four groups of work: WG1, design and city planning; WG2, Urban energy networks; WG3, Efficient buildings interacting with their environment; and WG4, Measures for the transition of urban environments.
The network seeks to be a forum for the exchange of information and knowledge among its members, with the purpose to identify synergies, promote the priority research and share expertise for the improvement of energy efficiency in urban environments.