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ISEM students defend their research projects in the consultancy service

Present at the exhibitions were executives from Cortefiel, Gocco, Hackett, Loewe and Tino Gonzalez.

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Team of project Gocco.
PHOTO: Courtesy

The students of Master's Degree Executive in Fashion Business Management of ISEM Fashion Business School presented the projects of consultancy service in which they have been working during the last months. 

The papers defended were the following: Launching a new chain: Purchase of an existing one or new creation?', for Cortefiel; 'Strategy of internationalization in wholesale segment', for Gocco; 'Global e-business: proposal of strategy and phases of development of the on-line business', for Hackett; 'Retail as a successful professional degree program : benchmark international models', for Loewe; 'Customer satisfaction: TCN retail experience', for TCN; and 'internationalization: challenge of a Spanish footwear retailer', for Tino Gonzalez.

Fashion companies, with the training
The presentations were attended by several executives from the companies for which the students worked, including Ignacio Sierra, director corporate group Cortefiel; Javier de Rivera, director general of Gocco; Iñigo de Zaldívar, director International of Hackett; Javier Alonso, director Human Resources of Loewe; and Enrique Morales, director financial of Tino Gonzalez.

The panel in charge of qualifying the teams was composed of Borja Oria, president of the association Empresarial del Comercio Textil y Complementos (ACOTEX).ACOTEX); José Luis Illueca professor at ISEM Fashion Business School and Alberto Durán (Master's Degree '05), director general manager of Durán Exquse

The best rated project was the one made for Gocco, while the works on Tino González and Loewe won second and third place, respectively.




