Institute for Culture and Society: Participation in activities of other centers and universities (June 2016)
ICS researchers and collaborators attended activities in the USA, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Norway, the Netherlands, Portugal, Rwanda, the UK, Russia and Switzerland.
Emotional culture and identity
Ana Marta González presented a discussion paper entitled 'Secularization and displacement of the sacred' at the symposium 'Secularization and resignification of the sacred', organized by the association Philosophy and Science. (Ribadesella, Asturias, 22-24/06/2016).
Mariano Crespo spoke at the Workshop 'Edmund Husserl: The Phenomenology of Intersubjectivity', organized by the Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature at the University of Oslo. The degree scroll of his discussion paper was 'From Empathy to Sympathy. On the Importance of Non-Intellectual (Affective) Elements in the Experience of the Other'. (Oslo, Norway, 07-08/06/2016). He also participated in the Husserl Circle Meeting 'Anger and Indignation', held at Fordham University. (Chicago, USA, 15-18/06/2016).
Madalena D'Oliveira-Martins presented the discussion paper 'Apuntes sobre la naturaleza cultural de las emociones' at the seminar de investigadores García Pelayo del Centros de programs of study Políticos y Constitucionales. (Madrid, 16/06/2016). In addition, he participated in the XII Spanish congress of Sociology, organized by the Spanish Federation of Sociology. (Gijón, 30/06-01-02/07/2016).
Rosalía Baena presented the work 'Rhetorics of Empathy in Disability Memoirs: Christina Middlebrook's Seeing the Crab and Harriet McBryde Johnson's Too Late to Die Young' at the 2016 International Conference on Narrative(Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 16-18/06/2016).
Pilar León participated in the cycle of colloquia 'Ethics in hospital institutions' of the Programa de Alta Direccão de Instituicões de Saúde. (Lisbon, Portugal, 01/06/2016). He also intervened in the workshop'Ethical and regulatory aspects', Innovation and Health. Big data healthcare: the responsibility to take advantage of the information generated, at the XXIII National conference of Health Informatics in Andalusia organized by the Spanish Society of Health Informatics and the board of Andalusia. (Malaga, 15-17/06/2016).
Berta Viteri presented the work 'Alexis de Tocqueville, emociones y vínculos políticos' at the conference de democracia y participación of the University of Seville. (Seville, 01-03/06/2016).
Public discourse
Ruth Breeze presented a discussion paper at the Corpora and Discourse International Conference. (Siena, Italy, 28-06 01/07/2016).
Ramon Gonzalez y Dámaso Izquierdo presented the communication 'Some metalinguistic reflections on the pragmatic attenuating projections of evidential and epistemic meaning units' at the congress International Conference on Linguistic Attenuation: semantic and pragmatic perspectives, held at the University of Valencia (Valencia 15-18/06/2016).
Mind-Brain Group
José Ignacio Murillo gave the session 'Conscience, laws and causes' at the XVII Session of the Permanent seminar jointly organized by AEDOS, the Association of Philosophy and Contemporary Science and the Chair of Economic and Business Ethics (ICAI-ICADE). The book under review was Unexplained consciousness. essay on the limits of the naturalistic understanding of the mind.. (Madrid, 11/06/2016).
Fran Güell has made a research stay in Mexico. During June he gave several courses and conferences:
-At the high school Nacional de Perinatología de México, he offered the course 'La Responsabilidad ante el no nacido en el contexto de la reproducción humana asistida' (22-23/06/2016), the lecture 'Riesgos perinatales y post natales de nacidos a través de las técnicas de reproducción humana asistida' (22/06/2016) and the plenary session 'La responsabilidad parental y médica en las técnicas de reproducción asistida' (22/06/2016).
-At the high school de Salud Mexicano, the course 'Assisted Human Reproduction Techniques and parental responsibility from the epigenetic paradigm of the 21st century' (22-23/06/2016).
-At the Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, was speaker in the roundtable 'New technologies and their impact on the family and social structure' in the framework of the diploma holder 'Current challenges of science from an interdisciplinary approach ' (09/06/2016) and taught the course 'Assisted Human Reproduction Techniques and parental responsibility from the epigenetic paradigm of the XXI century' (24-25/06/2016).
-At the Casa de la Cultura de Puebla, he dictated the lecture 'Problemas entorno a la comprensión de la unidad del viviente. A proposal from the constitutional paradigm' in the Symposium 'Philosophy and Biology. La noción de unidad; un acercamiento desde la Philosophy y la biología', organized in the framework of the project 'La unidad del viviente humano como un ente en despliegue y crecimiento: del development embrionario a la generación de hábitos. An interdisciplinary approach' (08/06/2016).
-At the IECH Fertility Center in Monterrey, he offered the training course for Residents 'Patient Management in Assisted Human Reproduction framework . Future perspectives' (06/06/2016).
-He gave a discussion paper at the presentation of the book 'La actualidad de lo real en Xavier Zubiri (del Dr. José Alfonso Villa)' at the conference Interuniversitarias at Humanities 'De la Philosophy Alemana a la Iberoamericana'. It was videotaped on June 9 for its presentation at the Tech University of Monterrey in Puebla on June 29, 2016.
Navarra Center for International Development
Luis Alberiko Gil-Alaña was speaker principal at the 2nd Annual congress International EABEW Eastern Africa Business and Economic Watch, sponsored by Jonkiping University, Sweden. (Kigali, Rwanda, 20-22/06/2016).
Joseph F. Gomes gave two presentations at the University of Heidelberg (05/31 and 06/01/2016) and presented a research at the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE), held at the World Bank (Washington DC, USA).
Pedro Mendi presented the paper 'The effect of firm exit rates on innovation investment: Panel data evidence' (co-authored with Alex Armand) at the 9th MEIDE Conference (Moscow, Russia 17/06/2016).
ATLANTES Programme
Carlos Centeno, María Arantzamendi, José Miguel Carrasco, Antonio Noguera y Eduardo Garralda participated in the congress organized by the 9th World Research Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care". (Dublin, Ireland, 07-10/06/2016). Carlos Centeno delivered the session 'Ranking of Palliative Care Development in the Countries of the European Union'.
The group also presented the posters: 'Reflecting on Palliative Care Clinical Practice. A Qualitative Analysis of Medical Student's Experience' (María Del Rocío Rojí, Antonio Noguera Tejedor, Fernando Pikabea, José Miguel Carrasco, Carlos Centeno); 'Barriers and Opportunities to Integrated Palliative Care in Europe and its Relationship with the Level of Service Provision' (Eduardo Garralda Domezain, Carlos Centeno, Marlieke Van Eerden, Melissa Aldridge, David Stevenson, Diana Meier, José Miguel Carrasco, Jeroen Hasselar); 'Dignity Therapy in Palliative Care: A Comprehensive Systematic Review of the Literature' (Marina Martínez García, Alazne Belar, María Arantzamendi, José Miguel Carrasco, Carlos Centeno); 'The 'Message' of Palliative Care in the Spainsh TV and Radio. A Mix-method Analysis' (José Miguel Carrasco, Miriam García, Eduardo Garralda, Javier Errea, Carlos Centeno); 'Patient Dignity Question in Palliative Care: A Systematic Review of the Literature' (Alazne Belar, María Arantzamendi, Marina Martínez-García, Carlos Centeno); 'Approaching the Knowledge Generated in a Phenomenological Text: A Path to Improve the Care of Persons with Advanced and Terminal Cancer' ( Begoña Errasti-Ibarrondo, Mercedes Pérez, José Miguel Carrasco, Ana Carvajal, Ana Larumbe, Marcos Lama, María Arantzamendi); 'Main Prescribed Drugs in a Palliative Care Unit. Are we Loyal to the IAHPC List of Essential Medicines?' ( Javier Rocafort Gil, María Elviro Llorens, Pilar Campos Monfort, Teresa place Escribano, Antonio Noguera Tejedor); 'Descriptive Study of the Use Palliative Sedation at End of Life in a Palliative Care Unit' (Nallely Anais García López); 'Main Prescribed Drugs in a Palliative Care Unit. (Nallely Anais García López, Alcira Emperatriz Chávez Lira, Teresa Blanco Moyano, Antonio Noguera Tejedor, Ana de Santiago Ruiz).
Maria Arantzamedi, Alazne Belar y Marina Martínez attended the Workshop on Assessing and Responding to Common Emotional Problems in Patients with Chronic or Advanced Illness, organized by the Chair WeCare of the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Barcelona, 27-28/06/2016).
Eduardo Garralda traveled to Zaragoza for a semi-structured interview, as part of the project of research HISPAL (History of Palliative Care). (Zaragoza, 06/21/2016).
José Miguel Carrasco attended the XII Spanish Sociology congress , organized by the Spanish Federation of Sociology (Gijón, 30/06 01-02/06/2016).
Religion and Civil Society
Daniel Moulin presented the discussion paper 'Ritual and spiritualities' at the congress Levant Foundation Alumni of the University of Geneva (Switzerland, 15-17/06/2016). He also attended the roundtable of the presentation of Professor Lamin Sanneh's book Beyond Jihad organized by Templeton World Charity Foundation at Somerville College, Oxford. (UK, 21/06/2016).
David Thunder presented 'In Defense of Local Self-Government' at colloquium 'Trust and the Common Good', co-directed by Programme for the Foundations of Law and Constitutional Government & Faculty of Law, University of Oxford. (UK, 10/06/2016).