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Day zero: tips for the start of the 2017-18 academic year

María Gárate and Carlos García Ardanaz (5th year Pharmacy) have offered advice to the first year students at workshop to welcome them to the school. School

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04/09/17 17:46 Laura Juampérez

The School of Pharmacy and Nutrition has celebrated its welcomeworkshop with the initial greeting of the Dean, Adela López de Ceráin. Then, the Alumni Associate Dean , Alberto Pérez-Mediavilla, explained "How to successfully face the first year at the University", a session that has been completed with the participation -for the first time in these conference- of two students of 5th year of Pharmacy, María Gárate and Carlos García Ardanaz.

 As detailed by the two, apart from the "typical" advice on the need to go to class and to bring the subjects studied up to date, their goal "is that students are encouraged to participate in university life and School from their first year, advise them to organize themselves but without obsessing -there is time for everything-, and to lose the fear of attend to courses or lectures that interest them even if they go alone, as it is an opportunity to meet people from other Degrees and other Schools".

"This information," they commented, "can be found both in the Vida Universitaria, which comes out in print every Monday and students have available in each building, and on the website of the School and the University."

In addition to this central session, during this first workshop , resources and services for the student were presented, such as the Library Services, the institute of modern languages or the web, as well as the Chaplaincy of the School.

Finally, students can attend, on a voluntary basis, to the seminars of update at Chemistry and Mathematics offered by School at the beginning of the course.



