"Medicine and research are the same"
Dr. Ana Patiño talks about the launch of the Journal for Medical Students of the University of Navarra.
PHOTO: Manuel Castells
The School of Medicine has just launched its new publication, the Journal for Medical Students of the University of Navarra. Dr. Patiño explains how this publication will contribute to strengthen the research of the academic center and what readers will find in it.
Why did the idea of this publication come up?
We launched the Journal for Medical Students of the University of Navarra as a successor to the previous "Revista de Medicina" which has been for years the official academic publication of the School. We wanted to change its approach and move from professionals to students to provide them with a platform to enter the world of research and publications.
What is the goal of this publication and what subject of contents can be found in it?
As I said, the goal is to provide students, PhD students, residents and young investigators in human health area with a useful platform to share their achievements in science and research. We will accept original papers, reviews, featured clinical cases, invited signatures and letters or short communications. In addition, the Journal's staff will accept comments on new applications, web pages and any interesting information.
How many issues are planned to be published each year?
There will be two issues per year, at least at the beginning. After that, and depending on the quality of the contributions, we will increase. We hope to reach four issues per year.
Medical students are often very busy, do you think it will take a lot of effort to get them interested in this publication?
In my experience, no. I think that once a professional tries to publish in science, they never stop. It is very stimulating to see how someone's efforts end up on article from research and available to anyone. In the scientific field it is often said that "the research that is not published, does not exist". What we are looking for is to encourage tutors and editors to generously contribute their time to guide and support us. Please help us!
Finally, why do you consider it relevant that medicine and research go hand in hand?
Medicine and research are the same thing. Curiosity not only killed the cat but also led to the creation of an enormous amount of knowledge about human beings, our health and the world's diseases. Those researchers who are not curious, maybe they should do something else. The research is not only pipettes, the research is not to stop reading and taking care of patients and looking for the answers that we do not have today but that we will find tomorrow.