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"Knowing the hereditary factor of cancer is not a condemnation, but an opportunity to prevent it in an individualized way."

Ignacio Blanco, from high school Catalan Oncology, has participated in the congress International Oncology for Students of the University of Navarra.

05/03/10 15:30
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Miguel Ángel Martínez, professor of the School of Medicine, offered at the congress a discussion paper on per diem expenses and cancer. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

According to Ignacio Blanco, physician researcher of high school Catalan Oncology, "knowing that most tumors have a transmission factor Genetics is not a condemnation for those who suffer from them, but an opportunity to detect and prevent them in a personalized way".

congress This was defended by the specialist at the VI International Oncology Students' Meeting (COE), which is currently bringing together 300 students from all over Spain at the University of Navarra.

For the oncologist, knowing the family history of people prone to suffering a tumor allows the disease to be approached not only from the point of view of subsequent treatment, but also from the point of view of prevention. In this sense, he recalled that the cancers whose genetic mechanism is better known, and which have a higher incidence -breast and colon cancer-, have preventive measures such as periodic mammograms aimed at women between 50 and 69 years of age.

"The knowledge of its genetic mechanisms also allows us to know that, in the case of breast cancer, one in 10 women will suffer from it, and one in 100 will present genetic factors that make her more prone. This information is vital for designing new preventive strategies," he stressed.

Avoiding tobacco, a priority for cancer prevention

discussion paper For his part, Miguel Ángel Martínez, professor at the School of Medicine of the University of Navarra, gave a talk on per diem expenses and cancer at congress . In it he clarified that the most important thing to prevent it is to totally eradicate tobacco, rather than eating habits, "which could be related above all to certain tumors, such as those of the stomach or colon".

In his opinion, "if total calorie intake is not reduced, we must banish the idea that eating lots of fruit and vegetables and reducing fat will protect us against the disease. The latest programs of study are more oriented towards avoiding excesses, alcohol, processed meats or fast food. Eating more fish and legumes instead of meat or sausages, controlling weight and waist circumference". In this case, he assured that a moderate per diem expenses could achieve a 20 to 25% reduction in the risk of digestive cancers.

Dr. Martinez also pointed out that a frugal Mediterranean per diem expenses is still the healthiest option, "since its good effects have been proven for centuries in a natural experiment unparalleled in Mediterranean countries".

The VI Oncology congress for Students, organized entirely by students of the academic center, will culminate tomorrow, Saturday, with the submission awards for the best papers and posters prepared by students. The event will take place at 12:45 p.m. at the auditorium of the Science Library.



