A researcher of the Universidad Pontificia de Chile is visiting the School of Philosophy and Letters at the invitation of group TriviUN.
Rodrigo Faúndez Carreño has worked during this summer on several critical editions with the advice of Miguel Zugasti, director of TriviUN.
Rodrigo Faúndez Carreño, researcher postdoctoral of the Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile, has made a research stay this summer at the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra with the support and advice of Miguel Zugasti, director from the group TriviUN (Theater, Literature and Visual Culture of the University of Navarra).
During these summer months, Dr. Faúndez has been working on the critical edition of the epic work Arauco tamed (1596), by Pedro Oña, and in The Araucana (1621), auto sacramental by Andrés de Claramonte, which was the core of his doctoral thesis (co-directed by Miguel Zugasti in 2013) and which is to be published shortly in the publishing house Universitaria (collection "Letras del Reino de Chile", directed by Miguel Donoso, Universidad de los Andes).
This text of La Araucana was adapted by Rodrigo Faúndez to be brought to the stage and was performed, under the direction of Tania Faúndez Carreño, in July 2017 in the 40th edition of the Almagro Classical Theater Festival, section "Almagro OFF". The project adaptation and staging was funded by the Government of Chile (project Fondart 2016).