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The University launches a series of videos to encourage Education in positive attitudes in high school.

They focus on seven virtues and have been carried out by the School of Education and Psychology and the Institute for Culture and Society, with the support of the Templeton World Charity Foundation.

Image description
A high school boy and his family are the protagonists of the video series.
PHOTO: University of Navarra
05/09/17 15:19 Elena Beltran

The University of Navarra has launched seven animation videos for promote the Education of character and values in secondary schools. They have been made by members of project 'Investigar y promote la Education del carácter en escuelas de secundaria de Latinoamérica', an initiative of the School of Education and Psychology and the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) funded by the Templeton World Charity Foundation.

The pieces, available in English and Spanish, are a starting point for addressing dispositions such as courage, justice, honesty, compassion, self-control, gratitude and humility or modesty in the classroom . The animated videos show keys for the development of habits, positive attitudes and for the development staff .

"With this initiative we aim to provide a means for secondary school teachers to help students reflect on these values and how they can develop them on a daily basis in the environment of family, school or friends," explains the director of project and dean of the academic center's School of Education and Psychology, Concepción Naval.

Recognition of the Education character

The project of research in which these informative pieces are framed aims to achieve a better understanding of the training of positive character traits -particularly social and moral virtues- and to analyze how they can be promoted in secondary schools in Latin America.

It is expected that the results of project will have an impact on students at Education secondary school as well as on academic staff, teacher educators, researchers in the field of Education, public policy makers, and parents.

Videos on Youtube

Self-discipline (Spanish / English)

Compassion (Spanish / English)

Fortitude/bravery/courage (Spanish / English)

Gratitude (Spanish / English)

Honesty (Spanish / English)

Humility (Spanish / English)

Justice (Spanish / English)



