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Second edition of MOOCs on microbes, environment and pandemics

Professors from the School of Sciences, in partnership with the Museum of Natural Sciences, will teach 3 massive and free online courses during the 2017-18 academic year.

05/09/17 15:41 Laura Juampérez

In the 2017-18 academic year, the second editions of three free massive online courses (MOOCS) taught by professors from the School of Sciences are scheduled to begin, at partnership with the Museum of Natural Sciences.

The first of these, "The microbes that surround you", will start on October 2 and will last 7 weeks, equivalent to 17.5 hours of study. Aimed at explaining the origin of microbes and their evolution, it will also include how to work with them at laboratory, how to use them to produce food, obtain energy and even to try to kill cancer cells, according to the professor who is teaching it, the Full Professor of Microbiology and author of the blog MicroBIO Ignacio-López Goñi.

The second MOOC course of the area Science is entitled Environmental Challenges in a Changing World. It will also be its second edition and will begin on October 16 with the participation of six professors from the School. Its goal is to give a scientific and informative vision of the current state of the planet and the environmental challenges that arise.

The third MOOC planned for the second semester is the second edition of Pandemics, new viral infections, which will begin on January 8 for six weeks and will focus on explaining what a virus is and how it multiplies; the origin of the AIDS virus and how new flu viruses originate; as well as the story of the Ebola epidemic and the role played by mosquitoes in the transmission of viruses.



