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Back to 20010406Un especialista en Arte destaca la calidad de las imágenes en las procesiones de la Semana Santa navarra

A specialist in Art highlights the quality of the images in the Holy Week processions in Navarre

Emilio Quintanilla, professor of Art at the University, participates this afternoon in the lecture series on Easter Week in the Comunidad Foral.

06/04/01 16:43

"The processions of Holy Week in Navarre are another manifestation of the Baroque spirit that is given in this community, where there is quality Baroque art; that Baroque spirit is not only given in the decoration of altarpieces and architectural ensembles, but also in a popular manifestation, typically Baroque, such as the processions of Holy Week". This is the opinion that Emilio Quintanilla, professor of Art of the University of Navarre, who participated in the lecture series on the Holy Week in the Community of Navarre, expressed.

Emilio Quintanilla intervened in a roundtable on "El arte en los pasos de las procesiones de Semana Santa", together with Arántzazu Zozaya, cultural dynamizer of the City Council of Pamplona; Francisco Javier Zubiaur, director of the Museum of Navarra; and Ricardo Fernández Gracia, professor of the department of Art of the University of Navarra. The series, which closed with this session, was organized by the Service of Cultural Activities Office and Social Services of the University of Navarra, the Brotherhood of the Passion of the Lord, and the Peña Pregón Cultural Society.

The senses at the service of a religious idea

According to the expert, in the processions of Navarre there are images of very good quality. "Also in the procession of Pamplona, but especially in Corella, Peralta or Cintruénigo there is truly a quality baroque sculpture".

In these processions," he explained, "it is intended to give the spectacle of the senses, combining the vision of religious ideas that the Church wants to represent and exalt, represented in images that, in principle, are only seen in churches; the ear, since there is no procession without music; and the sense of smell, since there is no procession without flowers and incense. That is to say, the greatest issue of possible senses at the service of a triumphant religious idea".

The University of Navarra professor points out that "it is very important to make a direct, sentimental impression, what is called the 'anthropomorphization' process, that is, that the images are as real as possible so that the viewer feels identified with them; and the diversity of points of view, which allows an image to be seen not only from the front but also from any other point".

Regarding the processions of other communities, Emilio Quintanilla points out that "Navarra is not Castilla, but it has nothing to envy to those of other similar cities in the north of Spain, where the Holy Week is lived with a more relaxed sense".



