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A University professor, member of the EU Commission for Science and Technology Cooperation.

Iñaki Fernández de Trocóniz will be in charge of disseminating the methodology and concepts of the groups of research to accelerate the development of new drugs.

06/04/01 17:25

Iñaki Fernández de Trocóniz, professor at the University of Navarra, has been elected member of the Commission for Cooperation in Science and Technology of the European Union. This commission has two representatives in each EU country, whose main task is to disseminate the methodology and concepts used by the different groups of research working on the development of new drugs.

"It's about spreading the benefits of information sharing to speed up the process researcher and achieve increasingly safe and effective molecules," explained the department professor at Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology.

New drugs against cancer

At least one annual meeting of experts is convened to prepare a manuscript for publication in a European scientific journal. "The last meeting was held in March in Brussels, and analyzed the keys to modeling in the development of new anticancer drugs," he recalls.

The Commission for Cooperation in Science and Technology has funds to help finance scientific meetings. According to Iñaki Fernández de Trocóniz, "the appointment is an opportunity to get first-hand knowledge of the opinions of experts in the areas of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics, and the possibility of strengthening relations between the institutions that each one represents".



