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The CIMA of the University of Navarra and business of New York join forces against Parkinson's disease.

The agreement with BrainStorm plans to use adult stem cells and, if previous results are positive, to start trials in patients.

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
06/09/06 13:45 Mª Pilar Huarte

The CIMA of the University of Navarra has just signed an agreement agreement with BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics, business of New York leader in research with adult stem cells. The goal of this partnership is to develop effective therapies against Parkinson's disease, whose main characteristic is the loss of dopamine-producing neurons. If tests in animal models provide satisfactory results, clinical trials (with patients) could begin in Pamplona in 2007.

position The project is directed by two experts: Dr. José Obeso, researcher of CIMA and specialist of the University Clinic, with more than 20 years of experience in this field; and Dr. Eldad Melamed, head of Neurology of the Rabin Medical Center of the University of Tel Aviv (Israel).

70,000 Parkinson's patients in Spain

According to BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics' data , there are more than 4 million people suffering from Parkinson's disease in the western world. In Spain there are at least 70,000. Although the initial project is focused on Parkinson's, the promoters consider that, if successful, it could be applied to other diseases, such as Huntington's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and even cerebral infarction (stroke).

The technology now available at available makes it possible to convert stem cells from the patient's own bone marrow into glial cells that produce neurotrophic factors (regenerative substances) and dopamine. It should be remembered that all phases of this process research will require, at best, several years.

The reasons for opting for adult stem cells are both scientific and ethical. As is known, unlike embryonic stem cells, there is evidence of the therapeutic effectiveness of adult stem cells, which do not produce tumors, and obtaining them does not involve destroying the embryo.



