2013_11_06_DCAN_Participación de los fieles en el gobierno de la Iglesia en materia de bienes temporales
"Participation of the faithful in the government of the Church at subject of temporal goods."
Third meeting of group CASE in Rome
Last October 30, the third of CASE took place at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome) the third meeting of the group CASE. This year's study workshop was entitled degree scroll: "Participation of the faithful in the government of the Church at subject of temporal goods". The researchers tried to reflect on the role of the faithful in the mission statement of the Church and its consequences in the management of economic resources.
Some of the interventions underlined the importance of not reducing the participation of the faithful, especially of the laity, to the economic partnership , nor to the intervention in the Councils of economic affairs, or in the commissions in charge of promote the support of the Church. A deep and realistic understanding of their mission statement can lead to a more active participation in the new evangelization. This task is carried out and becomes concrete and visible in the specific circumstances of each of the faithful, in the midst of their daily concerns, and in this way reaches all areas of society.
meeting Seven experts spoke at subject. Professor Paolo Asolan, of the Pontifical Lateran University, spoke on "Corresponsabilità e partecipazione dei fedeli al munus regendi Christi". For his part, Professor Fernando Puig reflected on the "collegial" style of ecclesial government as a possible instrument to achieve a greater involvement of all the faithful in the Church's mission statement . Professor Jean-Pierre Schouppe spoke about the fundamental rights of the faithful in relation to this participation.
Four experts participated in the group reflection plus internship . Professor Cristian Mendoza presented some"best practices" of various North American dioceses on subject in the area of communication and participation. Dr. Matteo Calabresi, from the Servizio per la promozione del sostengo economico alla Chiesa cattolica of the CEI, presented some of the positive pastoral results of the 8 per mille campaigns. Finally, Dr. Ernesto Melendez, Bursar of the Archdiocese of Saragossa and Msgr. Antonio Interguglielmi, vice-director of the Ufficio Amministrativo del Vicariato di Roma, explained the activities that have been implemented in their respective dioceses to promote the participation of the faithful.
The reflections of this workshop were a starting point for the future research of the experts of group and focused on the wide range of possibilities of co-responsibility that the mission statement demands of the faithful, especially the laity. In this sense, some experiences on the way of governing and on transparency were pointed out, which effectively help the Christian maturation of the lay vocation in the Church.
The group CASE was born two years ago. It tries to promote the scientific research in the fields of Stewardship, Administration and Economic Support of the Church. It is made up of several European professors of Canon Law, Ecclesiastical Law of the State, Theology, Communication and Economics.