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The University of Navarra reinforces its Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit to enhance communication and knowledge dissemination of research

UCC+I expands its activity to promote the transfer of knowledge to society in all research areas

PhotoManuelCastells/From left to right: Ignacio López-Goñi, Bienvenido León, Miriam Salcedo and Marta Revuelta.

06 | 11 | 2023

The University of Navarra gives a new impetus to its Unit for Scientific Culture and Innovation (UCC+I)with the goal of strengthening the transfer of scientific knowledge to society through communication, knowledge dissemination, specialized training and research in scientific communication.

"The communication of research results is increasingly important and has a growing weight both in the evaluation of projects and in the academic degree program . It is another way of giving social value to our research work," said Paloma Grau, Vice President for research and Sustainability at the academic center. "At the University we have a strong culture of transmitting our research to society, and I am especially grateful for the efforts of our researchers in this task of service".

The UCC+I was created in 2019 and is registered with the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), under the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Until now, its activity was mainly developed through the Science Museum of the University, but with the new structure its scope is extended to all areas of knowledge and its role as a strategic service for the visibility of research is strengthened.

A mission statement with four core topic areas of action

The mission statement of the UCC+I is to promote scientific communication and knowledge dissemination , to give visibility to the research carried out at the University of Navarra and to offer specializedtraining for researchers and educators. Through various initiatives, the UCC+I seeks to connect science and innovation with society, promoting interest in scientific knowledge and the results of research and development generated in all areas -biomedical, environmental, cultural, social and humanistic- of the University.

Its activity is organized in four areas of work:

  • Communication of research: to give visibility to relevant scientific discoveries and advances, and to highlight their social impact.

  • scientificknowledge dissemination : disseminate knowledge in an accessible way to promote a scientific culture among citizens.

  • training: to offer advice and training resources to researchers to improve their communication and knowledge transfer skills.

  • research in science communication: to analyze how science is communicated to society, through amultidisciplinary research group that collaborates with national and international universities.

A specialized and multidisciplinary team

The new stage of the UCC+I is led by Ignacio López-Goñi, director of the Unit and of the Science Museum, who emphasizes: "We want to continue with the Museum's activities, but also offer training and advice to researchers to better communicate their science, and give visibility to the work being done in all the Schools and centers".

The team is completed by Bienvenido León, research coordinator in science communication; Miriam Salcedo, science communication manager at the Communication Service; and Marta Revuelta, in charge of knowledge dissemination activities at the Science Museum.

With this reorganization, the UCC+I reinforces its commitment to promote scientific culture on and off campus, acting as a bridge between the university and society, and helping science reach more people in a rigorous, clear and accessible way.



