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Microbiology in the form of a tweet

Second SEM twitter course begins, coordinated by Ignacio López-Goñi, Full Professor of the University

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Ignacio López-Goñi
PHOTO: Manuel Castells
07/03/17 11:37 Laura Juampérez

Is it possible to teach Microbiology in 140 characters? The Spanish Society of Microbiology (SEM) believes so and has therefore organized the second edition of its course for twitter, which is taught from today with the label #microMOOCSEM2.

With the partnership of 14 professors belonging to 12 Spanish and Latin American universities, this course is coordinated by Ignacio López-Goñi, Full Professor of Microbiology at the University of Navarra. In its first edition, this Microbiology course via Twitter received about 4.5 million impressions (issue of times that Twitter users view a message) and at some points became a trending topic in Spain.

"Our goal", adds the also science popularizer and author of the blog microBIO, "is to demonstrate that science and social networks can contribute in an excellent way to build bridges and destroy walls in the knowledge of science."

This course, he added, "is aimed at all those who are interested in science in general and microbiology in particular, to learn more about viruses, bacteria and fungi. Not only from the point of view of the diseases they cause, but also from biotechnology and the role they play in our food, for example". 

Simple, informative and very visual language

The second edition of the course maintains the duration of the sessions -between 30 and 40 minutes-, which will take place during five weeks -between March 7 and April 6-. To follow the course, all you have to do is connect to Twitter on the day and time indicated (at 22:00 h on the peninsula) and follow the "class" with the label #microMOOCSEM2. The "classes" will be sent through the SEM Twitter account @SEMicrobiologia. The course can also be followed through the Society's Facebook account.

"We use a simple, informative and very visual language. We will share websites, links, news, images and videos on scientific topics related to Microbiology that may be of interest to a wide audience", adds Professor Ignacio López-Goñi. In this sense, he recalls that the content is especially designed "for students of high school program, science teachers at pre and university levels, science professionals, science journalists and the general public".



