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Spaniards favor female, white and Eastern European adoptive children

Full Professor Aquilino Polaino intervened in a course on adoption, organized by the University of Navarra.

07/04/00 17:27

Spaniards prefer a girl, of white race and from Eastern European countries. This is the fashion followed in recent years by parents who wish to adopt a child, according to Aquilino Polaino, Full Professor of Psychiatry, at the University of Navarra. "The natural thing to do would be to go to Hispanic, because it seems that they are calmer; white, for fear of attracting attention; and from Eastern countries, because it is fashionable. The natural thing to do would be to go to Latin America, for cultural affinity". The expert participated in a course on "Adoption: psycho-pedagogical aspects and legal framework ", organized by the department of Education of the University of Navarra.

In Spain, the number of children adopted abroad is much higher than in Spain. According to Professor Polaino, "in Spain there are no more children on waiting lists, because they are not born. It is one of the cultural contradictions of our society: the issue of abortions continues its march, despite the fact that there are parents who would like to adopt these children".

The psychiatrist explained that "the agencies are more aware of these issues, and international adoption is being greatly expedited. For these cases, he warned that "from the age of four, children from other cultures can suffer difficulties added to the adoption process itself".

"Adoption - Polaino continued - is trying to help a person in need financial aid. One must love her for herself and as who she is, with all her biological and psychopathological risks". In this sense, he regretted that "there are many people who frustrate their natural impulse to adopt because they understand that it undermines and limits their freedom".

certificate of suitability

Likewise, he considered it necessary "to teach people that it is possible to adopt children with some deficiency or handicap -cases in which the adoption process is greatly expedited-. The helpless and pathologically burdened beings are the ones who are most in need of parenthood".

In Spain, adoptive parents are required to have a certificate of suitability, which guarantees minimum conditions that ensure that the adoptive parents "do not abuse drugs or alcohol, do not suffer from serious depression, have a minimum of cultural training and a sufficient economic endowment". A harmonious balance in the couple is also necessary. On this point, Polaino pointed out that "a child is never the solution to the problems of marriage".

Among the causes of adoption failures are parents who are "very anxious, perfectionist or overprotective. There are also those who have the complex that the child has been stolen from another family". The Full Professor of the Complutense University highlighted the importance of taking courses at training prior to adoption, which facilitates the subsequent development of the family.

In his discussion paper, Polaino highlighted that adopted children are slightly more sensitive to suffer anxiety disorders and depressive disorders: "At the origin there is usually an abused biological mother, a violent environment, drugs, family rejection, etc. All the affective attachment of the child, which is fundamental for the identity and harmony staff, is broken". According to the specialist, there may be depressions in the first year of life, which sometimes require medication.



