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"Antioxidants can have harmful or neutral effects, they require more programs of study to know how they behave in each per diem expenses"

More than 100 professionals in Nutrition analyze functional foods in the IV conference of update in Nutrition of the University of Navarra.

07/05/10 14:22
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In addition to conferences with different experts, two practical workshops have been organized. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

"Antioxidants are not a panacea and not all of them behave in the same way on per diem expenses. Some, depending on the dose, can have harmful or neutral effects, so we need more programs of study to know how they will act in each per diem expenses". This was stated today by the researcher Patricia Pérez Matute on the occasion of the IV conference of update in Nutrition, which will be held until tomorrow, Saturday, at School of Pharmacy of the University of Navarra.

According to the expert, antioxidants -vitamin C, resveratrol or lipoic acid- "should not be recommended as single supplements, but as part of a balanced per diem expenses rich in fruits and vegetables, which are the main sources of these antioxidants".

The meeting, aimed at dietitians-nutritionists and nutrition professionals, will be attended by more than 100 specialists who will address, among other topics, the latest developments in functional foods. Those foods that, as the doctor from School of Pharmacy explains, "provide energy for vital processes while at the same time they can improve some of the body's functions".

This is the case of olive oil -which will be discussed by the dietician-nutritionist and researcher Ana Sánchez Tainta-; dairy products -whose analysis will run to position by Mª Dolores Ruiz López, from the University of Granada-; and legumes, studied by Itziar Abete at the department of Food Sciences, Physiology and Toxicology of the academic center.

Sport to combat diabetes

In addition to functional foods, experts will delve into the role of antioxidants in our diet; fiber and its usefulness beyond the digestive benefit; phytosterols related to cholesterol lowering and the function of fatty acids.

In addition, two practical workshops will be organized, one of them on the appropriate portions at each meal, given by Giuseppe Russolillo, president of the association Spanish Dietitians-Nutritionists, and the second to address the physical condition as an indicator of health, with Enrique García Artero, from the department of Physiology at the University of Granada.

The second workshop will focus on nutrition and sports, where specialists will present nutritional and physical activity strategies for the recovery of muscle mass, the relationship between physical activity and the reduction of cardiovascular diseases or as a treatment for diabetes.



