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The magazine yearbook Filosófico pays homage to Professor Juan Cruz Cruz

José Casas Pardo and Jesús Conill Sancho are the Associate Editors of this issue, which investigates the concepts of conservative and progressive in the social sciences.

07/10/11 07:17
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Juan Cruz Cruz PHOTO: Manuel Castells

The magazine yearbook Filosófico has published its volume 44, the second issue of 2011. It pays tribute to Professor Juan Cruz Cruz, who recently retired. Professor Cruz ran the journal from 1973 to 2001, first as Secretary and then as Director. His work "was decisive for the public recognition of the journal both in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries and internationally" (p. 377). The tribute consists of the laudatio delivered by Professor Ángel Luis González and the emotional response of Professor Cruz at the ceremony held in his honor on January 29 at the classroom Magna of the University of Navarra.

In addition to the tribute to Professor Cruz, the five published articles investigate how different social sciences understand the concepts of conservative and progressive. As its Associate Editors point out in the presentation of issue, "What do such terms mean? Do they have any meaning goal or are they emotivist terms that only serve to allude with a value connotation to those who belong to one's own side and the opposite? (...) Is it a political categorization, similar to that of right and left? Is it a differentiation of political ideologies? Does it make any sense to continue using such labels?" (p. 226).

The articles attempt to answer these questions by explaining how authors such as James M. Buchanan, José Ortega y Gasset, Karl Popper or John Rawls understood these concepts. Professors José Casas Pardo, Jesús Conill Sancho, Amparo Muñoz Ferriol, Pedro Jesús Pérez Zafrilla and Pedro Talavera Fernández, all of them professors at the University of Valencia, are the authors. In addition, thirteen bibliographical reviews of the latest publications are included in issue .



