#LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival brings the best science and film documentaries to Pamplona
During the week of 21-25 February, the Science Museum of the University of Navarra is organising screenings of the finalist films, colloquiums with experts and other scientific activities, including a forum on social networks and science communication.

08 | 02 | 2022
Ecology, species survival, gastronomy, biomedicine, space missions, artificial intelligence and virology are some of the topics that will be present at #LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival. The festival will take place between 21 and 25 February at the University of Navarra and will feature a varied programme of activities aimed at all audiences.
"We have a programme with a good number of activities that we hope will live up to the motto of the festival and convey a passion for science. And I think it's worth noting that we are showing really top-notch films. They are very special stories that are going to surprise and show that science can be not only understandable but really exciting", says Bienvenido León, director of #LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival.
A total of 1,371 productions from 104 countries participated in this year's competition .
A week full of activities
This edition of #LabMeCrazy! will take place in person. It includes a diverse programme of morning activities to encourage the participation of citizens, especially young people, and the screening of the best finalist documentaries in the afternoon, at 19:00 at the University of Navarra Museum.
On Monday 21st, the documentary "Apollo 11" will be shown, a production with unpublished images of NASA's 1969 mission to the Moon. Afterwards, Javier Armentia, director of the Pamplona Planetarium, will guide us on a "visit" to see the sky over Pamplona.
award On Tuesday 22nd, the documentary "Jim Allison: Breakthrough", the personal story of the 2018 Nobel Laureate in Medicine in his fight against cancer, will be screened. On the morning of the same day, there will be a guided visit to search for the fossils hidden among the city's buildings. In addition, a workshop on immunology and cancer will be offered for schools.
On Wednesday 23rd, "Nature's Fear Factor" will be screened, which sample will show spectacular images of the role of predators and the fear they provoke in maintaining wild ecosystems. In the morning, the activity "River invaders, get to know them and help us to control them" has been organised, a census of fish to find out about some exotic aquatic invasive species in the river Arga.
On Thursday morning, the 24th, there will be an urban safari through the parks of Pamplona, showing the fauna and flora of the city. In the evening, at 19:00 in the Museo Universidad de Navarra, the festival's awards gala submission will be held, presented by researcher and well-known populariser Alberto Vivó, a monologuist from group Big Van. The festival will recognise the best audiovisual productions in science and technology, including the best documentary or report, television programme, video for the web or social networks, production by students, and work produced by a university.
Influencers and "Passion for Science".
This year #LabMeCrazy! brings some of the best science influencers to Pamplona. On the morning of Wednesday 23rd, a Social average Forum will be organised at the CommunicationSchool of the university's campus . This is a space to talk about the dissemination of science in social networks, with the participation of the influencers Javier Santaolalla, Tere Paneque and Álex Riveiro. It will include the workshop "Produce your video on science for social networks" given by Javier Santaolalla.
In addition, #LabMeCrazy! recognises the work of some scientists and this year the CSIC researchers Vicente Larraga, Mariano Esteban and Luis Enjuanes will receive during the gala on the 24th the specialaward "Passion for science" for their work on vaccines against COVID-19. On Friday 25th, the festival closes with a colloquium with these three illustrious researchers with students and young researchers, at the School de Ciencias.
All activities are open to the general public, but it is necessary to reserve place or entrance through the website www.labmecrazy.org, where you can consult the timetables and specific locations of each activity. enquiry For any information about the festival, please contact contact at museociencias@unav.es.
#LabMeCrazy! goal Science Film Festival is an international science film festival competition , promoted by the Science Museum of the University of Navarra -with the collaboration of the Government of Navarra, Pamplona City Council, Laboral Kutxa and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology FECYT / Ministry of Science and Innovation-, which aims to bring science closer to society and especially to the new generations.