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Ignacio Ferrero, Dean of the School of Economics, presents the research awarded with the award of research and programs of study Rafael Termes Carreró

IESE holds special session for the 1st Rafael Termes Carreró Awards

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
08/05/17 11:48 Rocío del Prado

The Dean of the School of Economics, Ignacio Ferrero, and the researcher of Markets, Culture and Ethics Research Centre (MCE), Marta Rocchi, presented the research "Wall Street and the (ir)relevance of ethics: The training of the character of financial analysts" first award research and programs of study Rafael Termes Carreró. They did so in the special session I Rafael Termes Carreró Awards held at IESE Business School in Barcelona.

On its 50th anniversary, the Catalan branch of the Spanish Financial Analysts' Association (high school ), which brings together more than 1,500 analysts and financial professionals from all over Spain, has recognized the research work carried out by Ferrero and Rocchi in the field of financial ethics with this award. This is the first edition of the awards given at report by IEAF founder and IESE professor Rafael Termes (1918-2005), with the aim of stimulating and recognizing the work of research and study in the professional field of action of financial analysts, but with a approach not necessarily academic.

The study presented by Ferrero and Rocchi takes as its starting point the thesis raised in 2015 by the Scottish philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre in the article "The Irrelevance of Ethics". Following this, Ferrero and Rocchi offer a reflection on the meaning of humanistic disciplines in the academic training of finance professionals and the role of virtues in financial activity.

Ignacio Ferrero, Dean of the School of Economics at the University of Navarra, is researcher and professor of Business Ethics. Member of the Academy of Management and of the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN), he has been Visiting Scholar at Bentley, Harvard and Notre Dame University. In addition, he has published several books and articles on business ethics.

Marta Rocchi is a researcher at the Markets, Culture and Ethics Research Centre (MCE), associated with the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. She is a researcher in the field of business ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility. She has been awarded by the Society for Business Ethics for her programs of study in Business Ethics and has been Visiting Scholar at Bentley University in Boston.



