144 students from the School science program graduated on May 28th
08 | 06 | 2022
144 students of the School of Sciences of the University of Navarra celebrated their graduation last Saturday 28th May (87 of the XXVII of Biochemistry ; 24 of the LVI of Biology, 15 of the IV of Environmental Sciences and 18 of the XXIV of Chemistry).
The event began on Friday 27th with the floral offering to the Virgen del Amor Hermoso at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fair Love of the campus. A day later, on Saturday 28th at 5 p.m., Holy Mass was celebrated at chapel in the Edificio de Amigos, followed by the academic graduation ceremony at sports center of the University.
The table was made up of Dean, Luis Montuenga, the vice-deans - ImmaculadaPascual, Iker Zuriguel and Alberto Pérez Mediavilla -and General Manager Miriam Latorre. The academic ceremony was attended by Dean, the course delegates -XabiDomínguez, Verónica Arias, Javier Rodríguez-, sub-delegates, and the sponsor of the graduating class, Professor Arturo Ariño.
The graduation ceremony was also attended by the godparents of each Degree, Pedro González Muniesa (Biochemistry ), Adrián Durán (Chemistry), Nora Escribano (Biology) and Arturo Ariño (Environmental Sciences), as well as several professors from the School.