The CBE: Biotechnology and Biotechnology Club business
Two students in the 4th year of Biochemistry have launched this initiative that moves away from the scope of research and brings participants closer to the business world.
The Biotechnology Club and business (CBE) has as goal to bring together students from different Schools with the purpose to help each other in the development of new ideas and businesses.
Its directors are two fourth year students from Biochemistry , Daniel Vaillo and Alfonso Barrios. It currently has about 20 members who meet at least twice a month.
"The CBE emerged as result from the talks of some students who last year were in the 4th year of Biochemistry and who were not interested in the field of research, as they were guided by the University, but wanted to enter the business world," explain director Daniel Vaillo and Rafael Cañizares, a member of the club and 4th year student of Biochemistry . Although the club is now made up of students from area of Sciences, from the Degrees of Biochemistry , Biology and Pharmacy, their idea is to extend it to the whole University, contact the Entrepreneurs Club, establish agreements of financial aid to be useful to each other and thus form a group that covers more areas.
Through presentations by professionals and visits to companies, club members can learn about the business world, especially in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical fields. The speakers explain their experience in the working world in order to help in the process and the training staff of the students.
Professor Juan Carlos Hernández, who participates in this project as coordinator of group, considers it an interesting initiative to encourage entrepreneurial attitude, leadership, teamwork work and other values promoted by the University. His job is to advise and serve the students of link with other instances of the University, as well as to facilitate contact with possible guests.
The choice of speakers and companies is up to the students, so that " we are not only looking for creativity and individual participation of the members, but pro-activity to meet among themselves and hold small debates, sessions in which new ideas are born and then provide mutual support to carry them out," explains Daniel Vaillo. "In the members of the club we see an opportunity to learn and train ourselves, to be able to get closer to each other to know in which direction to go at the end of the degree program", completes the CBE member, Rafael Cañizares.
The plan for this first quarter is to have speakers from the University and to organize visits to some companies linked to the pharmaceutical world and/or Biochemistry , such as Cinfa or Viscofan. From January onwards, and depending on the funding they can get, they will invite professionals from outside Pamplona and organize trips outside Navarra. For the moment, they have already mobilized on social networks and the CBE has profile on twitter, facebook and linkedin.
Both Daniel and Rafael are happy with the reception of the initiative. "Many people from the School of Sciences are excited about the project and are lending us financial aid", they explain.
"The School sees the Club as a learning opportunity for its students," says Rafael. And Daniel adds: "We are grateful for the warm welcome from Dean, administrative office and the entire academic staff. It is a risk to support an initiative that is just starting, and even more so if it has been started by students".
"The club requires work andperseverance, but the students who participate and manage it do so with great enthusiasm and a desire to learn," concludes Professor Hernández.