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Two University graduates placed 4th and 6th in the Resident Biologist Intern exam (biochemistry residency program)

Oihana Sabalza and Laura Samaniego are graduates in Biology and Biochemistry , respectively.

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Laura Samaniego (left) and Oihana Sabalza
PHOTO: Manuel Castells
09/03/16 13:24 Laura Juampérez

Graduates from the University of Navarra, both from Pamplona, Oihana Sabalza and Laura Samaniego have obtained numbers 4 and 6, respectively, in the last exam for Resident Biologist Intern -similar to spanish medical residency program but focused on biologists and biochemists-.

The test, which took place last February, summoned 847 graduates from all over Spain who competed for one of the 36 places (33 in ordinary regime and 3 for people with disabilities) offered this year by the Ministry of Health.

Those who have obtained place must choose among the four specialties that they will develop in a hospital laboratory : Microbiology, Immunology, Analysis and Biochemistry .

In the case of Laura Samaniego, a graduate of Biochemistry , she is clear that she will opt for a place in Microbiology: "It is the specialization program that interests me most, although it will force me to leave Pamplona because there are no vacancies here". As he details, the preparation for this exam began in July. "For 7 months we had 3 hours of class and 8 hours of study every day, except Sunday, which was the only day of rest". For Laura, "it has been hard but very nice, and the result has been worth it...".

Oihana, for her part, recognizes that she came out of the exam "happy, but I didn't think I would be among the top ten exams". Her dilemma now is which specialization program to choose: "I have always liked Microbiology, although I am also interested in Immunology ". She decided to take the exam to do the residency program in a hospital during the last year of degree program: "I saw quite clearly that what I liked the most was diagnosis, thanks to the internships where we had to solve different clinical cases".



