2014_04_09_ICS_9 ponentes han reflexionado sobre la mejora de la vida en común y la sociedad en el II Ethics and Society Forum del ICS
9 speakers reflected on the improvement of communal life and society at the II Ethics and Society Forum
The 2013-2014 edition of the course closed with the session "Religion and politics in Hegel's Philosophy ", at position by Professor Montserrat Herrero.
Nine speakers reflected on the improvement of common life and society during the II Ethics and Society Forum. II Ethics and Society Forum of the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) of the University of Navarra.
The following seminars were held between October and December: "Who is my Neighbour? A Phronetic Approach to Duties of Beneficence", at position by David Thunder, researcher of project 'Religion and Civil Society' and coordinator of the initiative; "The anthropological crisis of scientific innovation", offered by PhD student of Philosophy Alberto Vargas; "Taming the Leviathan. A critical approach to the concept of subsidiarity and its application in the field of the European Union", given by Joseba Fernandez, PhD student of Public Law; and "Forgiveness. A philosophical perspective"', in which Mariano Crespo, researcher of project 'Natural law and rationality internship' intervened.
The forum has continued between January and April with five other sessions: "The University in a Time of Change", with Full Professor of Metaphysics and former President Alejandro Llano as speaker; "Thinking Subjectivity Differently: an Approach to Levinasian Philosophy ", where PhD student of Philosophy Juan Pablo Viola spoke; "John Locke's Turn to Loyalty: The Origins and Ongoing Problems of Religious Freedom", offered by John Perry, lecturer of Theological Ethics at the University of St Andrew's; "Politics and Conscience: Three Foundations in Thomas Aquina's Theory of Conscience", intervention by Ángela Miceli, researcher of project 'Religion and Civil Society'; and finally, "Religion and Politics in Hegel's Philosophy ", given by Montserrat Herrero, professor of Philosophy politics and senior researcher of project 'Religion and Civil Society'.
Fostering interdisciplinary dialogueThe goal of the Ethics and Society Forum is threefold: it aims to be a vehicle to disseminate the work of the ICS among the entire university community, to promote interdisciplinary dialogue and to encourage ICS researchers to receive feedback from other experts on the work they are developing.
The activity is open to researchers, professors and students of postgraduate program from all over the campus. The goal is threefold: it aims to be a vehicle to disseminate the work of the ICS among the entire university community, to promote interdisciplinary dialogue and to encourage ICS researchers to receive feedback from other experts on the work they are developing.