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A book analyzes business communications practices from the point of view of the speech

The prestigious British publishing house Bloomsbury has published the Issue by Ruth Breeze, director of institute of modern languages and ICS collaborator.

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09/04/14 17:34 ICS

Corporate Discourse is the new book by Ruth Breeze, director of the University of Navarra's institute of modern languages and contributor to the project 'Public discourse' of the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS). It is published by the prestigious British house Bloomsbury Publishing.

At Issue, Professor Breeze analyzes corporate communication practices from the point of view of speech. She pays particular attention to how companies around the world communicate with individuals, with other collective entities and with the world at large.

It also addresses the understanding of how language works in business contexts and how corporate identity and professional relationships are configured through speech .

The expert from the University of Navarra employs a wide variety of analytical techniques to examine different forms of textual evidence from companies operating in various sectors, in order to observe the current developments of corporate speech as a whole in the complex context of globalization.

The book addresses the following topics, among others: the corporation and its stakeholders, the corporate speech , communication with employees and investors, the speech of the advertising, and tools such as websites or the sponsorship.

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Bloomsbury Publishing



