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More than 40 researchers from the School of Pharmacy are part of the high school of research Sanitaria de Navarra.

Experts participate in seven of the nine areas of research of the new center.

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09/04/15 15:12 Miriam Salcedo

More than 40 researchers from the School of Pharmacy of the University of Navarra are part of the recently created high school of research Sanitaria de Navarra (IDISNA). They belong to seven of the nine areas of research and scientific production that make up the high school: 'Primary care and health services', 'Digestive system and metabolism', 'Inflammatory, immune and infectious diseases', 'Epidemiology and public health', 'Neurosciences', 'Oncology and hematology', 'Advanced therapies and diagnostic innovation'.

IDISNA, which awaits the accreditation of the high school de Salud Carlos III, is created as a biomedical research multidisciplinary and translational space for basic, clinical, epidemiological and health services research . It is constituted by the association between the Navarra Health Service, the Navarra Hospital Complex, the high school of Public and Laboral Health of Navarra, Navarrabiomed-Fundación Miguel Servet, the University of Navarra, the research center Médica Aplicada and the Clínica Universidad de Navarra.



