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An ICS Malian PhD student researches in Paris on human rights and immigration in the Spanish and French systems.

Ernest Thera stays at the research center and programs of study on Fundamental Rights of the University Paris X Nanterre-La Défense

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PHOTO: Courtesy
09/04/15 18:08 Isabel Solana

Ernest Thera, PhD student Malian of the Institute for Culture and Society of the University of Navarre, is doing a research stay at the Paris X Nanterre-La Défense University on the framework of his thesis . 

Specifically, Ernest focuses on the topic of human rights and immigration. He compares the cases of France and Spain and makes a special reference letter to the identity of immigrants in both countries. To address this issue, he is working with Véronique Champeil-Desplats, Professor of Public Law and Vice-President of the Doctoral School of Law and Political Science, manager of the Center for Researchers and programs of study on Fundamental Rights (CREDOF).

"This comparative study is very interesting because France has a lot of experience in immigration subject and Spain has received more immigrants in 15 years than any other country, which has forced it to take measures to manage this challenge," he explains.

Synergies between researchers

"With this stay - he adds - I intend to have access to the French bibliography on immigration rights, as well as to establish contact with other researchers dealing with this same topic, with whom I can exchange ideas and from whom I can learn".  

Ernest values the opportunity to carry out an international doctorate , which "allows to have experiences in universities in other countries, to learn about other ways of approaching problems and to innovate". In this sense, he says that it is not only positive for the development of young researchers, but also for the academic centers themselves: "It generates a exchange of knowledge in the world of the research, which has a positive impact on the results".

It is worth noting that the School of Law and Political Science of the University Paris X Nanterre, where Ernest's research center is located, is one of the most prestigious in its field. It has trained leading figures such as Nicolas Sarkozy, former President of France; Dominique De Villepin, former Prime Minister of France; and Christine Lagarde, President of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).



