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More than 60% of elderly people have problems with the use of medications.

Elena Bujanda, a researcher at the University of Navarra, analyzed the status of the residents of the supervised apartments of the Pamplona City Council.

09/11/09 14:57
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More than 60% of elderly people have problems with the use of medications. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

60.7% of the elderly who participated in the project of Education for Health EDUMAY presented problems with the knowledge and administration of drugs. This is according to this study of the University of Navarra, which analyzes the status of 41 residents of the supervised apartments of the area of Social Welfare and Sports of the City Council of Pamplona. The goal of project, carried out by Elena Bujanda Sainz de Murieta, was to improve the knowledge, values, attitudes and skills of these people with respect to two topics: medication and nutrition.

According to the study, 95.1% of the residents use some medication on a regular basis, with a average of four drugs per person per day. However, the participants were largely unaware of their treatments and had a high lack of adherence. Thus, more than 80% were unaware of the non-pharmacological therapy they should follow to improve their illnesses and more than 33% were unaware of the indication for any of their medications.

per diem expenses Regarding diet, the work showed, at the beginning of project, a high adherence average to the Mediterranean diet patron saint , although the consumption of some foods was below the nutritional recommendations.

Problems with medication were reduced by 21.4%

The project EDUMAY consisted, firstly, in the analysis of the status of the residents through questionnaires and the study of individual cases. Secondly, Elena Bujanda carried out an intervention of a educational nature, with workshops and talks, to ensure the proper use of drugs, as well as to promote good nutrition. "The initiative was very satisfactory, both in subject of medications and nutritional Education ", explains the author.

Specifically, pharmaceutical interventions reduced by 21.4% the issue of people with medication problems. Likewise, the Education Nutritional program achieved a greater adherence to the Mediterranean per diem expenses and an increase in the consumption of nuts, white meats, legumes, vegetables and greens.

This work is part of Elena Bujanda's doctoral thesis , carried out in the Unit professor of Pharmacy internship, thanks to a scholarship of the association of Friends of the University of Navarra. The research has received the 2nd award in the National Category of the I award for the research in the improvement of the Information to the patient on Health and Medicines; and the award to "The best initiatives of the pharmacy 2008", of Correo Farmacéutico.

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