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The School of Nursing participates in the ceremony of investiture of new doctors.

For the first time, the academic center intervenes with Cristina García-Vivar as godmother.

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Cristina García-Vivar teaching the speech.
PHOTO: Manuel Castells
10/06/14 09:32 Miriam Salcedo

Last Friday, June 6, the University of Navarra invested its new PhDs. From June 2013 to June 2014, 152 researchers from 18 different countries and belonging to 15 Schools, schools and institutes have defended their thesis .

On this occasion, the School Nursing participated in the event for the first time in its history. Cristina García-Vivar, deputy director of department of Community and Maternal and Child Nursing, was the godmother of the graduating class. With her speech she congratulated the new doctors for achieving "the highest academic Degree that the University can grant".

According to Professor García-Vivar, the doctorate is also "the ultimate expression of an orderly and methodical way of learning science, whether social or experimental". He also took the opportunity to encourage the new doctors to continue with their restless research work: "Being a university professor is not a static condition; it implies continuous scientific and professional growth, which in turn implies social responsibility and the search for truth through study and research". To successfully achieve their goals, he recommended"a recipe with a traditional flavor to be a good professional" that combines "three ingredients": enthusiasm and passion, the search for truth and intellectual humility.

In the same vein was the invention of President Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero, who encouraged the new doctors to practice a "healthy nonconformism" by carrying out their work researcher with "leadership and generosity". 

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