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The University launches an online edition of the summer course 'The World of Business' for students in the 4th year of ESO (ESO 4) and high school diploma

It will be held from June 29 to July 3 and will allow students to immerse themselves in the world of business through case studies in English.

10/06/20 17:21 Chus Cantalapiedra

The University of Navarra has launched the IX edition of The World of Business for students in the 4th year of ESO (ESO 4) and high school diploma. The summer course, organized by ISSA School of Management Assistants, will take place online from June 29 to July 3 and will offer students the possibility of immersing themselves in the world of business and business.

During five days they will participate in several sessions of training in English based on the contents studied in the Degree at attendance de Direcciónsuch as e-commerce, event organization, professional competencies, interculturality and languages. The sessions will be live and recorded. All of them incorporate activities where students will put into internship what they have learned in an enjoyable way. 

The course is organized so that future university students with an interest in business and languages can learn concepts that are still unknown to them, as well as experience what it is like to be a university student. A diploma from attendance will be sent by mail to those who meet the minimum participation requirements. 

The deadline of registration remains open until June 24 and can be made through the following link of the website.



