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The University, among the top 100 European universities, according to the QS Europe 2025 ranking.

In Spain, it is the first in terms of employers' evaluation .

10 | 07 | 2024

The University is among the top 100 European universities, according to the QS Europe 2025 QS Europe 2025 rankingwhich evaluates more than 685 universities on the old continent. The Navarre center improves two positions compared to last year and is in 91st place in this QS ranking. In Spain, it is the fifth university out of 44 analyzed, behind large state universities in Madrid and Barcelona. According to the ranking, the University is better than 86% of European universities.

The ranking uses 12 indicators to evaluate European educational centers, in which the University stands out in employability and international outreach. In employer reputation, measured through a survey in companies, the University is first in Spain and 26th in Europe. It also ranks second in Spain in the employability performance indicator (46th in Europe), which measures the capacity to offer high employability to its students.

On the other hand, according to the ranking, the Navarra center is third in Spain in international student diversity (which classifies the issue of international students and the diversity of their origin) and fifth in the ratio of international professors. The University also obtains good results in citations per article(sixth in Spain) thanks to more than 155,000 citations to 8,400 published articles registered in the ranking. It also stands out for the ratio of students per professor, in which the University is also sixth among the Spanish universities analyzed.

The 2025 edition is the second edition of the QS Europe ranking, which has employee several dimensions to evaluate universities, from their academic output and impact, or their teaching, to the sustainability of their campus. In addition to the information submitted by the universities themselves, the ranking uses the academic database Scopus, as well as two surveys among academics and employers to assess the reputation of European universities among these groups.



