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Salvador Valdés, director of the School of Technical Assistants of laboratory of the University of Navarra, passed away.

He was a professor at Schools of Sciences, Pharmacy and at the School of Technical Assistants of laboratory

11/01/11 16:05
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Salvador Valdes PHOTO: file

Last December 29th, Professor Salvador Valdés Buscaron passed away in Pamplona. Born in Irun, he was director of the School of Technical Assistants of laboratory of the University of Navarra and professor of Physics in the School of Engineers, in the campus of Guipuzcoa.

Salvador Valdés arrived in Navarra from Zaragoza -where he had studied Physics at graduate - in the 60's to work in "Potasas", but his vocation professor made him join the University of Navarra almost as soon as he arrived, as Adjunct Professor of Physics. At first with a small dedication, given his employment in the business, he gradually increased his time at the University.

There he taught theoretical and practical classes at Schools in Science, Pharmacy and at the School of Technical Assistants at laboratory -later Chemistry Aplicada-, where he was director from 1976 to 1990, when a stroke took him away from his professional life.

In his youth, Professor Valdés was a handball player, something that was reflected in his personality: strong, noble, direct, a friend to all, a good conversationalist, with a great sense of humor, concerned about everyone, cheerful. He had a special facility for getting to know his students and families. He always had students at the door of his office, waiting to talk to him.

A dedicated and rigorous teacher, he inspired confidence and affection in all those around him. Thousands of students passed through his classes, who remember him fondly. His dedication to business also made him a teacher with a special concern for practical teaching and improving laboratory.

Strong in the adversities that life brought him: the death of his daughter Paula in his youth, his wife's illness, his own. Since he suffered a brain accident, he fought with an enviable faith for his rehabilitation. First at Clínica Universidad de Navarra, then at the Ubarmin Clinic, at home and, finally, for many years at the Infanta Elena Center.

During this time his family -with his wife at the helm until she passed away- and his daughters surrounded him with care, companionship and love. With heroic perseverance. In an admirable way. Until the end.

Salvador Valdés had a deep spirituality. Devoted to the "Pilarica," the main stimulus for him during his illness was to remember his family, his students, the university, the Church, the Pope and St. Josemaría. He spoke of them all. Of the loves of his life, while he "dreamed" of writing a treatise on Physics for his students.

Finally, his life -suddenly interrupted- was an example for many. May he rest in peace.

José Miguel Sánchez Monge, Professor, University of Navarra, Spain



