Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities in other centers and universities (December 2020)
ICS researchers and collaborators participated in online activities organized by institutions in Germany, Canada, Spain, the United States, Peru and the United Kingdom.
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Emotional culture and identity
Ana Belén Martínez attended virtually the seminar 'On Resonance: Stoner and Theory', organized by the University of Malaga (Malaga, 3/12/2020), as well as the congress 'Teaching Life Writing: a conference on nonfiction and pedagogy' at the University of Alberta (Canada, 10-11/12/2020).
Creativity and Cultural Heritage
Albert Recasens acted as moderator in the forum 'The future of the past: the Spanish historical music sector in the Covid-19 era' organized by the International University of Andalusia. He also offered the discussion paper 'The historical music sector in times of pandemic: a European perspective' (03-04/12/2020).
Sef Hermans and Beatriz Pomés participated in the congress 'Nodos del knowledge 2020 - Universidad, innovación e research ante el horizonte 2030' of the University of Zaragoza with the following communications: 'Visuality as creative trigger in José Ortiz de Echagüe's photography'; 'Creative performative processes for non-performers'; 'Farout: instructions y cuestiones sobre research creative performative musical for the development of projects in the MUN' /(10-11/12/2020).
Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality
Carlos Beltramo virtually attended the XIV International congress of Education and Innovation (CEI 2020), organized by Promoeduca, where he gave the poster 'Use professor of the classroom simulation in the subject university family orientation: storytelling, role playing and assessment of self-confidence' (Portugal, 9-11/12/2020).
group Mind-Brain
Javier Sánchez Cañizares offered the seminar 'Big Bang and Creation' to the group educational COAS of high school Ayalde in the framework of his research 'Science and religion in Spanish schools', (Bilbao, 10/12/2021).
Navarra Center for International Development
Ignacio Campomanes presented the paper 'The political economy of inequality, mobility and redistribution' during the lecture Annual 2020 of the International Network for Economic Research (Germany, 14-16/12/2020).
Tijan Bah attended virtually the seminar 'The Impact of Cash Transfers During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Africa' organized by Innovations for Poverty Action (USA, 18/12/2020).
Raul Bajo gave the discussion paper 'The Heterogeneous Tax Pass-through under Different Vertical Relationship' at the Econometric Society Winter Meeting at the University of Nottingham (UK, 16/12/2020).
He also attended virtually the 'Workshop Energy Transitions and the Future Role of Natural Gas in Sub-Saharan Africa' organized by the Baker Institute for Public Policy at Rice University (USA, 16/12/2020).
ATLANTES Programme
Carla Reigada attended virtually the I conference Compassionate Communities of the organization Live with your own voice (Vitoria, 11/12/2021).
network WINN
María Beunza participated in the lecture 'Protagonism of women in society: voice, leadership and participation' organized by the Universidad Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo (Peru, 05/12/2020).