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More than sixty researchers from the University participated in the seminar "Communicating science with financial aid of artificial intelligence".

/Ignacio López-Goñi, Carmen Torrijos, Miren Agirregomezkorta y Bienvenido León

11 | 06 | 2024

The Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit (UCC+i) and the Science Museum of the University of Navarra have celebrated the workshop of training in communication and knowledge dissemination of the research given by Carmen Torrijos, computational linguist and manager of AI in Prodigioso Volcán; and Miren Agirregomezkorta, expert in AI solutions for marketing and communication.

Researchers from all fields of knowledge have learned to use the tools offered by artificial intelligence to communicate their research to society. To this end, the first part of seminar, which ran to position by Carmen Torrijos, consisted of explaining the most basic points of AI, its evolution and context to understand its current state.

One of the main keys he highlighted was the importance of using the different AI tools properly, a decisive factor in obtaining good results: "Artificial intelligence only offers probabilities based on percentages. Not everything it says is completely certain; there is a large area of uncertainty that we must always take into account". The expert advised what criteria should be considered to use AI correctly in the research internship and to make a truthful interpretation of the answers it offers.

The seminar continued with a practical workshop given by Miren Agirregomezkorta, a graduate in Journalism and Philology Hispánica from the University of Navarra in 2023. Her exhibition focused on reasoning how to write a good prompt; that is, how to successfully interact with AI systems to obtain appropriate responses. To this end, the marketing and communication expert invited the researchers to work with different AI applications during the session. Afterwards, a space for dialogue and questions was generated where they could deepen in the most appropriate techniques to achieve an effective dissemination of research thanks to the possibilities offered by new technologies.

This activity has been carried out with the support of sponsorship of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.



