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A research stay on the protection of ecosystems in European water law

Verónica Cors, a doctoral student at Institute for Culture and Society, spent five months at the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research.

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
11/08/16 17:34 Isabel Solana

Verónica Cors, PhD student at the Institute for Culture and Society of the University of Navarra, has carried out a research stay at the University of Amsterdam on the topic of her thesis , the protection of ecosystems in European water law.

Specifically, she spent five months at the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research, belonging to the department Geography, Planning and programs of study of development International of the academic center. She worked in the Governance and Inclusive Development program, in the group Governance of Natural Resources and Wellbeing, led by Professor Joyeeta Gupta.

Veronica points out that during her stay she focused on the bibliographic review of specialized publications such as Water International, International Journal of River Basin Management, International Journal of Water Resources Development or the database Oxford scholarship online law .

The first part focused on the development of a joint article with Dr. Gupta 's team on the state of the art of a South American river basin.

In the second part she delved into the mechanisms of cooperation, coordination and partnership inter-administrative that the European Union has. In that period, Veronica participated in the CSDS Conference Critical Perspectives on Governance by Sustainable Development Goals that took place from June 27-29, 2016 at the University of Amsterdam. She presented a poster and made a report of the Rule of Law session, a writing that is part of a report of the lecture.

Upon his return to Pamplona, he is in the essay phase of his thesis , which he will soon defend.



