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The president of the Spanish Biocompanies association appeals for investment to obtain new Structures with biological activity.

Regina Revilla, member of the Royal National Academy of Pharmacy, explained some of the challenges of research in the pharmaceutical sector.

11/10/12 11:00
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Students of Master's Degree, with Regina Revilla at the headquarters of the Royal National Academy of Pharmacy. PHOTO: Courtesy

The president of the Spanish Biocompanies association and current director of external relations of MSD Laboratories, Regina Revilla, appealed to the need to "make investments to obtain new Structures with biological activity, based on the requirements of activity and above all toxicity and side effects of drugs". She did so in the course of a roundtable held at the headquarters of the Royal National Academy of Pharmacy, and to which the students of the Master's Degree in research and development+I of Medicines of the School of Pharmacy were invited.  

In the same vein, he underlined new technologies and biotechnological approaches as key in the finding of medicines, and highlighted the role of the business pharmaceutical in this activity. "In this finding of new products the pharmaceutical business has a lot to say, not only with regard to the usual diseases that occur in developed countries, but also in what affects rare diseases, and neglected diseases, fundamentally, tropical diseases". In this regard, he emphasized his company's partnership contribution to developing countries development, in particular its contribution to the Monkole Hospital in Kinshasa for safe motherhood.

The professor of the School and director of the Master's Degree, Antonio Monge, acted as moderator of the roundtable, which had by degree scroll "The challenges of the research in the pharmaceutical sector".

conference of work in laboratories
On the other hand, the 18 students of the XXII Promotion of the Master's Degree in research and development+I of Medicines participated in some conference of work organized by different laboratories, which served them to know their facilities and the most recent projects of research . The companies visited were Rovi, PharmaMar and Servier.



