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120 researchers from the University of Navarra participate in the III Experimentation conference

A total of 93 papers and posters were presented on biomedicine, environment, microbiology or development of new drugs.

12/03/10 15:42
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The researchers presented 93 communications -78 in the form of poster-, with the aim of presenting and contrasting their results and promoting the exchange of knowledge. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

The School of Sciences of the University of Navarra has celebrated the III conference of Experimentation in Experimental and Health Sciences. A total of 120 researchers have participated in this meeting, whose goal is to offer scientists at training the possibility to expose and contrast their results and to promote the exchange of knowledge.

Likewise, the workshop is a good opportunity to learn about the potential researcher of the area of Sciences (Sciences, Pharmacy, Medicine and Nursing) and a financial aid in the search for possible topics on which to deepen in programs of study of Master's Degree or thesis doctoral. In total, 93 communications were presented; 15 oral and the rest, 78, in the form of poster.

The presentations addressed topics on biomedicine, environment, microbiology or development of new drugs. For example, Nilza Cristina Buttow presented her work on nanoparticles for the production of vaccines against bacillary dysentery; María del Carmen Sayón discussed the effect of alcohol consumption on the incidence of overweight or obesity; Leticia Goñi Mateos commented on the first results of a research on the prevalence of malnutrition in hospitalized elderly people; and Álvaro Sanz Sáez de Jáuregui explained his work on nitrogen fixation and alfalfa production under climate change conditions.

Technology-based companies: a necessary reality

120 researchers from the University of Navarra participate in the III conference d
The Dean of the School of Sciences, Ignacio López Goñi, together with Nora Alonso Casajús, general manager of business Iden Biotechnology.
Photo: Manuel Castells

The conference were closed with a lecture by Nora Alonso Casajús, CEO of business Iden Biotechnology, under the title degree scroll "Technology-based companies: a necessary reality". According to the expert, "these are companies with a strong research and development component that develop innovative and competitive products and services, and that contribute added value to our Economics". She also added that "they are one of the main exponents of Economics based on knowledge, whose development represents a goal for many countries".

Nora Alonso, a graduate in Biology from the University of Navarra, stressed that these corporations must be managed by staff with knowledge technical; something that is sometimes difficult for investors and managers to understand: "Public institutions are making a great effort to help these companies, but the reality is that the measures are not very effective. The machinery in Spain in general is not greased for the promotion and development of this subject of companies in the biotech sector," he said.

Finally, he referred to the need for staff researcher entrepreneurship in these companies and advocated the inclusion of this facet in training programs. "It would be interesting to explain to them what it consists of or how to work in the creation of a business and to improve the complementary training in topics such as management or financial aspects, among others".



