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The high school Superior of Religious Sciences publishes "Introduction to Theology".

It is the first Issue of a collection of manuals for philosophical and theological study.

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Cover of the book. PHOTO: Courtesy
12/03/15 13:15 Fina Trèmols

The University of Navarra has just published "Introduction to Theology"the first Issue of the collection "Manuals of the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences", edited by EUNSA.

"More and more people are interested in acquiring a serious and profound philosophical and theologicaltraining that enriches their own Christian life and helps them to live their faith coherently, affirms Professor José Manuel Fidalgo. José Manuel Fidalgo director of high school Superior of Religious Sciences (ISCR) and of the new collection of manuals. This training is the basis for developing an intense apostolate and a broad work of evangelization in today's culture".

There is an increasing demand for written material for the scientific study of Christian doctrine. In many cases, these are people who are unable to attend regular courses with face-to-face classes, and who want to be able to study at home. This requires material that is valuable in its doctrinal content and well prepared from the didactic point of view. With the academic backing of the University of Navarra, especially the Schools of Theology, Ecclesiastical Theology of Philosophy y Canon Lawthis collection of study manuals aims to respond to the need for Christian training with high professional quality.

The collection "Manuals of the high school Superior of Religious Sciences" is characterized by clarity and full fidelity to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church; a systematic and professional exhibition of theological, philosophical and other sciences subjects, and a "didactic format that tries to make the study of the fundamental contents of the subjects accessible, often on one's own. In this line there are some didactic elements such as outlines, introductions, vocabulary, classifications, distinction between fundamental contents and extensions, bibliography adequate and a guide of study at the end of each topic", explains Professor Fidalgo.

The authors of "Introduction to Theology", the first Issue of the collection, are Professors José Morales and José Manuel Fidalgo. "Theology is the science of faith. It tries to better understand the mysteries revealed by God and to expose them in a systematic and orderly way, based on the Sacred Scripture and Tradition, with the guide of the Magisterium. Christian Theology has its own specific origin, it does not proceed from mere intellectual curiosity.... It is a science of salvation, which must help man to achieve his eternal destiny", reads topic 1, "What is Theology". 



