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The president of the Círculo de Empresarios advocates at the University of Navarra for a mixed pension system model

- Claudio Boada estimates that 500,000 new entrepreneurs will be needed for Spain's Economics to grow and create new jobs. employment

13/01/11 08:23
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Claudio Boada. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

"We need a comprehensive reform of the pension system that implements a mixed model in which pay-as-you-go and capitalization coexist". This was emphasized at the University of Navarra by Claudio Boada, president of the Círculo de Empresarios, who gave a talk at lecture at the School of Economic and Business Sciences. On the other hand, he estimated that "500,000 new entrepreneurs will be needed for the Spanish Economics to grow again and create employment".

In his speech, entitled "Private initiative and entrepreneurs: a solution to the crisis", he referred to the possibility that Spain may need a bailout. According to the businessman, "the most important thing is that it is in our hands to avoid it. However, in order to do so, the necessary structural reforms must be adopted with greater conviction". Among them, he highlighted the labor reform, "which must be more ambitious than the one implemented so far".



Entrepreneurs and companies to fight the crisis

Claudio Boada also proposed that the educational system "should be imbued with the entrepreneurial spirit in its methods, organization and teaching content. It is necessary to transmit fundamental values for development staff and encourage creativity, initiative, responsibility and independence".

He also considered it essential to "adjust the social recognition of entrepreneurs to the value of their contribution. Public administrations, civil society organizations and the media must convey a more accurate image of the benefits associated with entrepreneurship".

The Círculo de Empresarios is a think tank that brings together more than 200 businessmen and senior executives of the main companies operating in Spain. Claudio Boada is 58 years old and an industrial engineer. He is chairman of Abantia Ticsa and Atlas Capital Pivate Equity; director of Abatia, Holcim España and Areas; chairman of committee advisor of Aon Gil y Carvajal; member of committee advisor for Spain and Portugal of HSBC and member of committee President of APD (association para el Progreso de la Dirección).

His intervention at the University of Navarra is part of a lecture series in which Mónica Oriol, president of Seguriber; Ingemar Naeve, CEO of Sony Ericsson Spain; and Fernando Francés, president of Everis Spain, will also participate.



