Virologist and immunologist Margarita del Val will receive the award "Passion for Science" at the II edition of LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival
The Science Museum of the University of Navarra recognizes the career of this Spanish researcher, one of the scientific voices of reference letter during the pandemic.

Margarita del Val
13 | 01 | 2021
The Science Museum of the University of Navarra has awarded the award "Passion for Science" of the international scientific film festival #LabMeCrazy! to Margarita del Val, virologist and researcher at the Center for Molecular Biology Severo Ochoa (CSIC-UAM) in Madrid. Margarita del Val takes the baton from Francis Mojica, who received this award in the I edition of #LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival.
"I totally identify with the phrase "passion for science". I love learning, understanding, doubting, asking questions and sharing how exciting it is. And well, discovering something for yourself as a scientist is an engine that compensates for the driest moments", said Margarita del Val on the occasion of the awarding of the award.
Margarita del Val holds a PhD in Chemical Sciences from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. After a five-year postdoctoral stay in Germany she joined as a researcher at high school de Salud Carlos III in Madrid where she worked for 19 years. Since 2010 she has been a researcher at the Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa in Madrid and is also a researcher at committee Superior de Investigaciones Científicas ( CSIC). Margarita del Val's research has focused on improving the control of the body's immune system against different viral infections in order to contribute to the subsequent development of vaccines design .
In the last year, due to the pandemic, Del Val has positioned herself as one of the reference letter scientists in Spain to explain the coronavirus crisis and the positive contribution of science to this global challenge, with her participation in different media. "In the face of a challenge of planetary scope, which has made our vulnerability as a species and as a society so evident, science has responded without hesitation with resounding force, with creativity, with partnership worldwide, with solutions. It has shown that, despite being so fragile, we are also powerful. It is magnificent to be able to form part, as a limited individual but with our own creativity, intuition, critical spirit and independence, of this great business that performs and functions as an interconnected collective," adds Margarita del Val.
For his part, Bienvenido León, director of the #LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival, wanted to emphasize his rigorous, patient and enthusiastic dedication to scientific research : "In addition to a first level scientific degree program has developed a B dissemination activity. Undoubtedly, his work will encourage many young people to follow his path".
The II edition of #LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival will be held online
The second edition of the LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival will take place from February 1 to 4. The screenings can be viewed online through the festival's website: A total of 1,114 productions from 92 countries have been submitted for this edition.
On Thursday, February 4, the final gala of submission will be presented by the Magician Numis and will be broadcast online. In addition to the award "Passion for Science", the gala will present awards to the best works in the different categories: documentary or report; television program; video for the web or social networks; production made by students; and work produced or co-produced by a university.
On the other hand, the festival has a program of parallel scientific activities open to the general public -which will take place in person with limited seating- to learn about the fauna, fossils and invasive species of Pamplona.
#LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival is an international science film festival competition , promoted by the Science Museum of the University of Navarra -with the partnership of the Government of Navarra, Pamplona City Council, Laboral Kutxa, and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) / Ministry of Science and Innovation-, which has as goal bring science to society and especially to new generations.