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The Netherlands: destination for the work End of Year Master's Degree of a student of Master's Degree E-Menu

Gabriela Carvajal will be part of the PREVIEW study being developed at Maastricht University.

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Gabriela Carvajal PHOTO:
13/03/15 11:37 Miriam Salcedo

Gabriela Carvajal, a native of Ecuador, is studying at the Master's Degree European Food and Metabolism (E-MENU) of the School of Pharmacy of the University of Navarra. Master's Degree In a few days she will leave for the University of Maastricht (The Netherlands) to carry out her Final Thesis work (TFM).

For six months it will be part of the PREVIEW study, a worldwide project study on the prevention of obesity and diabetes subject 2. This research, financed by the European Union, is also being developed simultaneously in Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, Spain, United Kingdom, as well as in Australia and New Zealand. In Spain, the study is being carried out at the research center in Nutrition of the University of Navarra, under the direction of Professor Alfredo Martínez.

Specifically, Carvajal will work at NUTRIM School of Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism, under the supervision of Dr. Margriet Westerterp-Plantenga. There, she will collaborate in the adaptation of the PREVIEW study to the Dutch population by analyzing their levels of insulin resistance and the possible relationship with weight loss. 

International nature of the E-Menu

The Master's Degree E-MENU offers the possibility of to carry out the TFM in several European universities such as the University of Bordeaux (France), the University of Copenhagen (Denmark), the University of Kuopio (Finland), the Karlinska Institute (Sweden), among others.

This international character of postgraduate program was one of the reasons why Carvajal chose the E-MENU to specialize: "I am very proud of the international nature of the program.I liked the international projection offered by Master's Degree with the attendance to congresses and the possibility of doing the TFM abroad.. When it came time to choose our final work , the Netherlands was my first choice, they accepted me and here I go".



