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Teachers from 33 schools in Navarra meet at the IX workshop for guidance counselors organized by the University.

Educators learned about academic programs from the Degrees of Humanities and Social Sciences.


13 | 11 | 2023

quotation Teachers from 33 schools in Navarra took part in the IX workshop of Guidance Counselors organized by the Admissions Office of the University of Navarra. The goal of the event is to let them know the academic programs of the different Schools and centers, and to offer them guidelines to help them define which programs of study fits better with the profile of their students. 

On this occasion, the workshop was focused on the Degrees of Humanities and Social Sciences: Law and International Relations, Economics, ISSA-School of Applied Management, Communication, Education and Psychology, Philosophy and Letters, and the Degree of design of the School of Architecture.

The president María Iraburu welcomed the counselors and thanked them for the previous formative work they do with the students of high school diploma. "The teaching secondary and university is an educational chain and our challenges are shared, we perform a work as a team. I emphasize two very strong bonds that unite us: our passion for the Education and our interest in our young people," said the president. 

He then cited some characteristics that define the University's project : the variety of the offerings professor, with original proposals that respond to the demands of society; a scholarship program that is expected to increase in the coming years to facilitate access to the University of Navarra for young people with talent but lacking economic resources; and finally, to offer the best professional qualifications enriched with the humanistic training .

"We believe that the university teaching should have a component that allows students to reflect on the person, the common good, justice, etc. We want experts who know that with their work they are called to improve the world," she continued. María Iraburu described the University of Navarra as a pluralistic place, an example of dialogue and coexistence: "In the face of polarization, the University of Navarra is a place to talk about everything and with everyone". 

Ricardo Piñero: "Our talent is to serve others".

The educators had a meeting with Professor Ricardo Piñero, Full Professor of Aesthetics, who explained some of the keys to the important role of guiding students. "With light anyone can see, but you make your students see without light," he said. The philosopher stressed the importance of listening and focusing efforts on getting to know students; of working as a team and continuing to train to serve students in the best way. "Those of us who dedicate ourselves to education acquire an interest and a responsibility to want to help, to want our talent to serve others," concluded Piñero. 

In this sense, the counselors valued the information provided by the University. "In these conference we get information about the different Degrees to take into account later the profile of our students," said Sagrario Hucha, counselor of IES place de la Cruz. Along the same lines, Mamen Marzo, coordinator of the high school diploma of high school Vedruna, added: "We come every year to visit the University with our students, but hearing first-hand from the people at Schools the profile of student they are looking for, the employment opportunities, the internationalization and what the University of Navarra offers compared to other universities is very interesting so that we can pass it on to our students and guide them in the best way".



