Professor José Ángel García Cuadrado publishes 'Philosophy de la persona'.
The book is the fifteenth Issue of the collection Manuals of the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences (ISCR).
José Ángel García Cuadrado, professor at School Eclesiastica de Philosophyof the University of Navarra, has published Philosophy de la persona. This is the fifteenth book in the "Colección Manuales ISCR" of the high school Superior de Ciencias Religiosas, published by EUNSA.
For Professor García Cuadrado, the notion of personhood seems to be in crisis because the points of reference letter that gave meaning to the word have been lost: "Traditionally, every individual of the human species was considered a human person, the bearer of an inviolable dignity, which made him or her the subject of inalienable legal rights. But nowadays the borderline as to what is and is not a person seems to have become blurred, raising disturbing questions: Is every individual of the human species a person, which individuals are or are not persons, who determines which beings can be recognised as persons, by what criteria can a person be identified, and by what criteria can a person be identified? For some, the question of personhood is the most important intellectual task that can be set (K. Ward). And like all great intellectual enterprises, its answer cannot be simple". In this sense, he assures us that the present text aspires to be a first word that contributes to the elucidation of this difficult question.
Professor José Ángel García Cuadrado is Professor of Philosophical Anthropology at the Ecclesiastical School of Philosophy of the University of Navarra.
The "ISCR Manuals Collection" is aimed at parents, catechists and formators, teachers of religion or professionals in different fields who feel the need to improve their own training. The books published so far are the following: Introduction to Theology, Ethics, Mariology, Philosophy of Science, Pauline Writings, Pentateuch and Historical Books y Theological Anthropology, Synoptic Gospels and Acts of the Apostles, Mystery of God, Ecclesiology, Theology of Creation, Prophetic Books, Poetic and sapiential books y The Morals of the Person: The Virtues.