The University will award good practices of Education character in schools in Argentina, Colombia and Mexico.
They are promoted by the School of Education and Psychology and the Institute for Culture and Society with the support of the Templeton World Charity Foundation.
The University of Navarra, at partnership with the Templeton World Charity Foundation, will award best practices in Education character in centers in Argentina, Colombia and Mexico. This term also refers to Education moral, Education social, Education in virtues and Education civic.
To this end, they have announced the Templeton Awards for Education of Character in Latin America, whose goal is to give recognition to projects of these characteristics that are being carried out in schools, motivating the academic staff to get involved in them and raising awareness of their value, through the knowledge dissemination of good practices.
Secondary schools (12-16 years old) with at least 500 students, from Argentina, Colombia and Mexico, that have at least three years of experience in the development of projects or programs of Education of character may apply. These must be integrated into the school's educational planning.
Six awards: cash prize and attendance to one congressSix prizes will be awarded, two per country. Each award will award 1,200 euros to the educational center. It also includes the attendance to the congress International on Education of Character in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in June 2018. Travel and accommodation will be covered for two representatives from each winning proposal .
These awards are promoted by the project 'Investigate and promote the Education of character in secondary schools in Latin America'. This is a joint initiative of the School of Education and Psychology and the Institute for Culture and Society of the University of Navarra and is funded by the Templeton World Charity Foundation.
The project aims to achieve a better understanding of the training of positive character traits -particularly social and moral virtues- and to analyze how they can be promoted in secondary schools in Latin America.
It includes a theoretical part research and an application part internship, focused on the three countries mentioned above. It reviews the policies of Education and good practices in educational centers in this region.