A work published by the University of Navarra collects and analyzes nearly 300 Navarrese drawings from the 16th to 19th centuries
Directed by Ricardo Fernández Gracia, director of the Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro, with the partnership of 27 specialists.

14 | 12 | 2023
Ricardo Fernández Gracia, professor of Art History at the University and director of the Chair of Heritage and Navarrese Art of the School of Philosophy and Letters, has published the book "El dibujo en el proceso creativo de las artes. Trazas y diseños navarros 1500-1800". Edited by the Publishing Services of the academic center, it has the sponsorship of the Fuentes Dutor Foundation (Pamplona) and the Gondra Barandiarán Foundation (Bilbao).
Throughout 542 pages, nearly 300 traces and drawings made in Navarre between the 16th and 19th centuries are collected and analyzed, from religious architecture (churches, sacristies, towers and choirs); civil architecture (town halls, houses, and even a wine cellar); numerous sculptural genres (altarpieces, organ cases, choir stalls, coats of arms, shelves...); hydraulic works, mills and fountains; to a set of sumptuary arts (silverware, preparatory drawings for engravings and embroidery...).); hydraulic works, mills and fountains; even a set of sumptuary arts (silverware, preparatory drawings for engravings and embroidery). "Among the totally unpublished pieces included in the monograph, we can mention several of the ornamentation of the chapel of San Fermín de Pamplona, altarpieces, buildings and some preparatory drawings for engravings," explains Professor Fernández Gracia.
The first two chapters focus on the history and elaboration of designs by various masters of the projects and deal with the drawings preserved in different documentary collections. In the third part of the book, 27 specialists in the subject study and comment on the pieces of the Catalog, grouped by artistic genre and chronologically. The prologue is written by Beatriz Blasco Esquivias, professor of art history at the Complutense University of Madrid.
Last December 11, at the Nuevo Casino of Pamplona, took place the presentation of the book. The event counted with the interventions of Rosalía Baena, Vice President of Students of the University of Navarra; Guillermo Barandiarán, president of the Gondra Barandiarán Foundation; Agustín Guibert, patron of the Fuentes Dutor Foundation and Ricardo Fernández Gracia. The organist of the Cathedral of Pamplona, Julián Ayesa, also participated in the presentation, playing some scores on the piano.
available The book can be downloaded free of charge from the web site of Library Services of the University of Navarra, the Fuentes Dutor Foundation and the Gondra Barandiarán Foundation.
These are the professors, archivists and specialists who have participated in the monograph:
Teresa Alzugaray - file Diocesan of Pamplona
Alicia Andueza - PhD in Art History
Pilar Andueza - University of La Rioja
Alejandro Aranda - Cultural Heritage. Archbishopric of Pamplona.
Naiara Ardanaz - University of Navarra
David Ascorbe - file of Pamplona Cathedral
José Javier Azanza - University of Navarra
Jesús Criado - University of Zaragoza
Pedro Luis Echeverría - University of the Basque Country
Mirian Etxeberria - file Royal and General of Navarre
Esther Elizalde - Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art
Ricardo Fernández Gracia - University of Navarra
Concepción García Gaínza - University of Navarra
Pablo Guijarro Salvador - Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art
Ana Hueso - file Municipal de Pamplona
Javier Itúrbide - Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art
Carmen Jusué - Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art
Ignacio Miguéliz - University of Navarra
Eduardo Morales - Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art
José Luis Molins - Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art
Beatriz Pérez Sánchez - file Municipal de Tudela
José Ignacio Riezu - University of Navarra
Óscar Riezu - University of Navarra
Javier Ruiz Astiz - University of A Coruña
Félix Segura - file Royal and General of Navarre
María José Tarifa - University of Zaragoza
Gabriela Torres - Ph.D. in Art History