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Food Microbiology at the University of Navarra renews its accreditation ENAC

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Two researchers, during a work in a laboratory of the University of Navarra. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
15/01/14 14:15 Laura Latorre

The laboratory of Food and Water Microbiology of the CIFA of the University of Navarra has renewed its accreditation as laboratory of essay for the performance of microbiological analysis in food and water. The recognition is granted by the Entidad Nacional de accreditation (ENAC), the only national body with public authority to do so.

In 2001, this laboratory became one of the first essay laboratories accredited in Navarra for this subject analysis. The laboratory of Food and Water Microbiology belongs to the group of laboratories of the university that work under the System of management of Quality at the research (SGCI), which integrates the requirements of several reference frameworks designed and maintained by the Unit Quality Assurance the University of Navarra.


skill technical and staff qualified, among the requirements
ENAC, through a team of specialized technical auditors, carries out in its audits an exhaustive assessment of all the technical requirements of management and requirements that contribute to demonstrate its technical skill . They check if the laboratory has qualified and experienced staff ; if it has the necessary and adequate equipment and infrastructure to carry out its activities; if it applies validated and appropriate work methods and procedures, and if the traceability of the measurements and calibrations associated with its services is ensured. In final, if it has a robust and reliable quality assurance system to manage its activity.

For this reason, more and more customers are requesting the services of laboratories accredited by ENAC according to rule ISO/IEC 17025 to test their products and thus ensure safe marketing and compliance with the rules and regulations applicable to each sector. On the other hand, many companies request the services of accredited laboratories, even without requiring the accreditation of their tests, since they trust in the good work of a laboratory whose technical skill has been recognized.



